Joining the Party Page 2
But when the old grandfather clock in the dining room chimed two, she had to say something. Kids could be out there playing. Whatever people did in private was fine with her, but close the windows and pull the blinds!
Grabbing the pie in her mitted hands, she stormed out the back door to pay a neighborly call of thanks and walk in on something. This wasn’t so formal that she’d use the front door.
Now, they were on the back porch! Alex and Monty were rolling on a lounge chair like teenagers. She stared. They were both dressed, flies still zipped. They were just loud.
She took a deep breath and headed for the screen door when Dom stepped out from the other side of the house.
“Afternoon, Cassie. Can I help you?” he asked.
“What is going on?” She pointed to the porch. “I thought you ran a lawn service not a sex club.”
“You didn’t seem to mind last night,” Alex said from the porch.
Her face burned as she looked over at Alex. The couple had stopped their foreplay.
“You saw me?” Damn! If it wouldn’t have burnt him, she’d have shoved the pie into Dom’s large hands and stalked home. Why did coming back always make her feel like she should be prim and proper? Her family wasn’t rich or fancy, but a girl’s reputation mattered. Everyone knew everyone’s business in a small town.
“Why don’t you come inside?” Dom held open the door.
Within minutes, the pie was cooling on their window and she stood in the comfy room that last night had been filled with naked people.
Ham sat in an armchair looking freshly showered. “Don’t blame me. It was their idea. I got off work early.” He pointed at Alex and Monty.
“It was a set up?” She glared at Alex. “Today? Or yesterday, too?”
Alex sat on the couch with a shrug, and Monty sat next to him. “We wanted to invite you, but we weren’t sure you’d be into it. A private party might work better to start.” Alex smiled.
She didn’t know what to say. “I came by to give you the pie and thank you for taking care of my lawn. I can pay you if you’d prefer.”
“We were being good neighbors. No fence so it’s easy to keep on mowing.” Dom shrugged it off. “Can I offer you some sweet tea?”
“No, thank you. I’m fine.” The vibe in the room was odd. She’d met these men plenty of times. Alex, she’d known forever. Yet, she felt nervous, aroused certainly. They were all focused on her. Maybe, this wasn’t embarrassing.
“Sit down,” Ham offered.
She shook her head. “I’m still trying to figure all this out. Last night was…”
“Our monthly sex party.” Dom sat on the arm of the couch away from Alex and Monty.
“How did I not know about this? Okay, I was away on work, but people talk. My cousin, my friends.” She shrugged and relaxed a little. “How did you even start this?”
Alex grabbed her arm and tugged her down into his lap. “It’s our fault really.”
“It was.” Monty pulled her knees up onto his lap so she was totally on them.
She shouldn’t! Being easy wasn’t how she was raised. But Alex’s arms were so safe and inviting. Deep down, she had no fear, only desire and curiosity. She wanted what those other women had last night. The hard bodies made Cassie tingle all over. Their growing cocks pressed to her. It was so fast, but it felt so good. So unexpectedly comfortable! Last night, she wanted to be invited for this. “How is it your fault?”
“We’re both bi,” Alex said.
“I saw that much last night.” Things had always been easy between her and Alex, even when they were young. She cuddled closer.
Monty toyed with the edge of her sundress. “That started it. One night, Ham brought a girl home who was wild. Things just happened.”
Cassie looked at Ham then Dominic.
Dom smiled softly. “She was a guest in our house.”
“She was very into it. The interracial thing and all the men. Around town, Monty and I get enough crap for being a gay and interracial couple. Mostly, it’s from the older generations, but if they found out we’re bi, too.” Alex shook his head, his expression deadly serious.
“Small towns. In New Orleans, you wouldn’t raise an eyebrow.” She understood the pressure to be accepted. Every time she came home, it hit her hard.
“We like it here.” Monty’s hand inched up her skirt. “And when we started connecting with others, we found it wasn’t just us. The need to explore and have a safe place to do it was obvious in couples and some singles.”
The mix of people and their enthusiasm had caught her eye last night. Now, Alex’s hand was on her arm and Monty’s darker fingers were on her thigh.
“But you didn’t invite me.” She pouted a little and gave Alex an elbow to his hard abs. They were all so sexy! She had to play it cool. “I saw people I went to high school with.”
“You’re never here.” He pinched her ass. “They’ve been talking about you for a year.”
“Who?” She looked at Ham then Dom. The heat grew, but Dom’s eyes narrowed.
“All of us.” Monty casually tugged her sandals off and rubbed her feet. “So soft.”
“You’re not serious about a private party. You just had a huge wild sex feast here last night. You should be exhausted.” Her muscles relaxed more despite her words. The scent of men took over, four men. She’d never been with two at the same time. But they felt so good pressed to her. Both of the men she’d thought were gay now had erections for her.
“That’s part of why the parties started. We never get enough. We’ve been talking about doing a party every other week. People like it. Watching others, being watched, adding a partner and even swapping. You’d fit right in,” Dom said.
Her eyes met his. “I’ve never done anything like that. Except last night, watching.”
“All you have to do is want it,” Ham replied.
“Why me?” She looked to Alex before Dom’s eyes consumed her. “There were ten women here last night, maybe more. You could call one of them.” She wouldn’t ask what happened to Ham’s girl who’d started it all. Clearly, she wasn’t in the picture anymore.
“Why not? We want you. Give it a try. Consider it payback for all the lawn work we did.” Alex chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss.
Then his hands rubbed her breasts and pulled at the buttons. He held her with experience and power. The proposition wasn’t awkward at all.
She felt Monty’s hands push up her skirt and openly stroke her inner thigh. Cassie trembled. All she could do was make the move. She kissed Alex and held on.
A form blocked out the light, and Cassie looked up. Ham stood over them. He helped her to her feet. With six hands working, her dress and bra were gone in a flash and her panties hit the floor in record time.
Thankfully, those hands didn’t stop when she was naked. Her back, her legs, her breasts and her pussy all received teasing attentions. Ham pulled her close for a kiss, and she paused. Maybe, she needed to make some things clear first.
“Relax. I only spank girls who ask me to.” He kissed her hard.
Her mind melted, her body took over and she gave into the kiss. She knew today was one she’d never forget. The parties with others watching… She put that out of her mind for now.
Monty pulled her to him for a kiss, and Ham knelt. As Cassie’s tongue tangled with Monty’s, her fingers teased his dreads. This should be intimidating or unsettling, but Cassie wanted to explore. Ham’s mouth worked her lower lips, and she needed more. Then Alex pressed to her back, his cock hard under denim against her bare bottom and his sculpted chest to her back.
Completely enveloped by three hot men, her eyes fell on the one who had yet to touch her. “Maybe he doesn’t like me?” she said to Alex.
“He does. Dom wants to keep control,” Alex whispered.
Cassie frowned and decided to see how the afternoon played out. Her hands got busy pulling off shirts and down zippers. The men pitched in, and the three were quickly naked—a
ll hard cocks and muscled forms and so beautiful with their unique skin tones pressed to hers.
Stepping back from the guys, she approached Dom. Naked, she felt exposed, but she had to have it her way.
“Not interested?” she asked. His chemistry always sparked to her, and he held out on her.
His eyes darted all over her body. “Sure you want to do this? Hard to stop when you start.”
“If it’s that good, why stop?” She kissed him as her hands rested on his shoulders. Pushing away the sweet southern girl, she let her inner needs out and ran her hands over his chest down to rest on the erection in his pants. “The women last night looked like they enjoyed themselves, but this is better. I don’t like to share.”
Dom stood and removed his clothes before leading her back to the group. “You’ll have more than your hands full tonight.” He kissed her, and Cassie moaned as her arousal grew.
“Let’s see what she’s in the mood for.” Alex knelt and licked her pussy.
Her hips rocked, and she looked around. All the men were hard, but Monty sat on the couch and was sliding on a condom. They made this seem so easy and natural. Cassie moved to Monty and Alex’s tongue kept working as she straddled Monty’s hips. His large hands teased her breasts, and Cassie couldn’t hold back. She lowered herself onto his long cock, and her pussy trembled.
“Guess you like our party. We want to keep our neighbors happy.” Monty pinched her nipples.
Groaning, Cassie nodded. Her hips worked his member deep as Alex’s tongue tormented her ass.
“I think your boyfriend is jealous.” She kissed Monty.
He chuckled. “No. He loves to watch.”
The heat went up as Ham moved in on her left. His thick shaft bobbed before her. Dom was on her right but not as close. Cassie reached out and snagged Dom’s cock in her hand, stroking it as he moved closer. Then she sucked Ham’s erection. Her hand worked Dom’s shaft, and she juggled all the men. Nothing felt better than being surrounded by men. Monty held her, and lifted up to meet her. Alex’s tongue never paused, working from his boyfriend’s member to her asshole expertly. Ham’s form towered over her, and his rod pulsed as she slid it in and out of her lips.
When Alex grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her down onto Monty’s erection, it set off her climax. She let Ham’s cock slip as she gasped. “Harder.”
Monty obliged, and she groaned as the tremors took her. His hoarse shouts joined hers, and she loved that she got him off, too. As she came down from the sexual high, she realized all four men had watched her have an orgasm.
When she tried to stand, Alex grabbed her ass again. “Where are you going? Had enough?”
“Not at all. But Monty might want to move.” Last night, she’d wondered how things got organized. Who went where? Maybe she didn’t have the group sex gene?
“Stay right here.” Monty held her but slid his cock out. “Kiss me.”
She leaned in and kissed him as Alex pressed her to Monty. Alex joined the kiss, and she felt dumb for a second. But Alex held her in and the trio found its way, tongues and all. They were very good at this!
Licking her lips, she pressed her hips back to Alex as she moved her mouth to tease the tip of Ham’s cock. Her hand didn’t ignore Dom’s thick member, but she needed him to demand more—if he really wanted it.
Alex thrust into her pussy, and the position held her perfectly as she sucked Ham harder. He thrust in and out of her mouth, but he stepped back. She thought she might get some cum. It’d been six months since she’d had any man; she needed this more than they could imagine!
Keeping Ham in the loop by rubbing his balls with her fingers, she looked over at Dom. She gripped the base of his cock and tugged him in closer.
“Want me?” she challenged.
Monty and Alex kissed each other over her shoulder. Dom moved in close and ran his fingers through her hair. Then his hand ran over her breast and down to her clit. He flicked it expertly, and she shuddered with pleasure. One more stroke of Alex’s cock sent her into release. Alex’s hips ground to her until he cursed and kissed her shoulder then her mouth. “Now you can play with the straight guys.”
Cassie took a deep breath and kissed Monty before they unraveled. Ham took over, kissing her mouth and down her body as she stood there in full view of the back windows. Thankfully, she knew few of their neighbors went wandering around in the backyards. Just her and she was so grateful she’d come to look in their house.
When Ham tongued her pussy, she moaned. She was anything but tired or done. Like a drug, she wanted more and more. “Fuck me,” she said.
“There’s no rush. Take your time.” Dom moved in behind her.
Yes, she wanted them both deep in her. She’d never done two men at once, but she wanted it. Anal was nothing new, but now, it didn’t seem right. Her pussy wanted to enjoy each Meriwether member one at a time. “I need it,” she said to Ham.
He smiled. “Pick how you want it. We aim to please.”
Remember Ham’s love of spanking, she decided to give him a nice view of her ass. She got on her hands and knees and faced Dom, offering herself doggie style to Ham. The rustling of a condom wrapper preceded the sweet stretch of her pussy around his wide cock. Cassie wiggled her ass side-to-side and squeezed his member to encourage him.
“We might have to keep her all weekend.” Dom knelt and leaned down, capturing her mouth with his. She moaned into him as Ham fucked her again. “You like our hospitality?”
“Yes.” Her eyes locked on Dom then moved down to his huge cock. Now fully hard, he made her pussy cream. “I can’t get enough.”
Dom rubbed the head of his cock against her lips, and Cassie dove in sucking his sac in pace with the frenzy building deep in her. Looking up at Dom, she licked up his dark shaft and savored the full head. Feeling his cock pulse in response, she knew he wanted her. Dom was quiet and controlled, but the attraction between them only grew stronger.
She arched her back as Ham’s pace increased. He had her stretched, and her orgasm snuck up on her, hitting her hard. She clung to Dom and pressed to his package. Grunting and sighs came from Ham as Cassie regained her control. Ham backed away, dropping a kiss on her rear.
But Cassie was still obsessed with the man who stood hard for her and yet seemed the furthest away. Licking under his sac, she gripped his ass cheeks and nuzzled his big cock. “Is this all you want?”
“He likes the girls to chase him,” Monty said.
“Chase?” she watched Dom stand up. Should she follow or stay on her hands and knees? “I prefer to ride.”
He smiled and nodded slightly. “I’m not running.” Dom stood his ground and didn’t sit down. That would make riding him a bit more challenging.
Standing up, Cassie stretched to loosen up. Over the years, she’d done wild things to get a photo from the right angle. This was no different. She approached Dom like a sexy tree she had to climb. Luckily, the branch she wanted wasn’t up too high.
Her pussy tightened as she studied the curve of his shaft. It’d hold her attention for more than one ride. Moving close to press to Dom, she kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Slowly she curled one leg over his hip and propped it on his sweet, round ass.
It was a risk. Cassie wasn’t a gymnast. He’d either catch her or she’d fall. His muscled shoulders were broad, but she didn’t have the upper body strength to hold herself up alone for long.
She locked eyes with Dom and tightened her hold on his shoulders as her foot hopped up off the carpet. Floating for a second, she enjoyed the rush. Then two powerful arms came around and caught her bottom as her legs curled around his waist.
“You’re crazy!” Dom smiled.
She shrugged. “You’re strong. Let’s see if you can handle me.” Cassie looked over to Alex who tossed her a condom. Trusting Dom to hold her securely only made it more of a turn on as she opened the packet. She reached between them and slid down the latex ring. Then, unable to wait another second, she
lined up with him and let gravity do the rest.
As she took the feel of him in, he lifted her, and she wiggled for more. “You’re a tease,” she said.
“You’re made for the party. You’ll love it. Plenty more men to ride.” He let her go all the way down until she felt his full sac nestled between her legs.
“I’m not convinced. I don’t need an audience or to share. I need cock and attention.” She curled her arms around his neck and kissed him as her thighs worked up and down. He helped her with support but let her lead the sex.
“We’ll have to convince you.” Dom kissed her hard, fully claiming her mouth with his tongue.
She moaned, sucking on his tongue and curling her own around his. All control gone, she rode faster, letting her nipples graze his coarse chest hair as the kiss dragged on.
Cassie wanted to come. She’d been close twice with Dom, but he pulled her up just before she could get to release. Snapping her hips down with more force, she heard him moan.
Finally, he rocked his hips up to meet her pussy, and the connection was electric. Screaming as the world shifted, and she trembled in intense orgasm, Cassie dug her nails into his back. Dom thrust harder and harder until he tipped back his head and muttered nonsense. Cassie made out only a few words, but a sweet aftershock shot through her.
She kissed his neck, afraid to try and climb down yet. All her muscles felt numb or in more pleasure than she could control.
“That was hot and impressive,” Alex admitted.
“Told you we should’ve invited her sooner,” Monty said.
“It could’ve been weird. She was my first girl crush.” Alex laughed.
Cassie turned her head. “Yeah, he liked me so much he went after my date at the sophomore dance. I found them making out in the boys’ locker room.” She looked back at Dom who kissed her hard and loosened his grip on her.
One leg unwound and found steady footing on the floor as she kissed Dom back. “Don’t get me going again.” Her other leg followed, and she was no longer attached to any man in the room. It felt odd.
“You stole her man?” Monty made a disappointing grunt. “You owe her. I owe her. But how cute that he was bisexual even then?”