Coven, Sweet Coven Page 3
“Do I make stuff up? Would I drive down here for nothing?” she asked.
“You could’ve called. Might be an excuse to feel things out here,” Chris said.
“I wanted to see people too. Especially the girls. Your wife texts me pictures, but it’s not the same. They love Halloween. Laura and Tara have some gifts. You’re still determined they won’t get any Wiccan training?” She hoped the girls would ask for it as they grew older. Laura was only seven and Tara five. They thought anything Aunt Natalie did was cool.
“Why don’t you wait until they’re teenagers before you get them to rebel?”
“Wicca isn’t rebellion. Just because you didn’t like it, doesn’t mean they won’t.” He was the rebel in the family and didn’t even realize it.
“They’re too young to really understand anything. They think Santa Claus is real,” Chris said, clearly uncomfortable with the subject. He shuffled through a small stack of papers on his desk.
“Fine. Let them come to the bonfire after trick-or-treating. Nothing formal, just some cider and sitting around.”
“I don’t think they need to be up that late for a fire. You’ll see them plenty.” Chris turned to his computer, then tapped on the keyboard. “I’ll let Megan know you’re in town. I’m sure she’ll invite you over to dinner.”
“The warm, fuzzy homecoming I was expecting.” She stood, turning her head so he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. “Everyone else makes me feel welcome.”
She waved to Nancy on her way out. A door creaked behind her.
“Natalie,” Chris said.
She turned, then looked her big brother in the eye. Only he could make her feel like a clueless pain in the neck. Although she didn’t think he spoke much about her ménage, people still seemed to know how much he hated it.
He took a step forward.
“The girls will be thrilled to see you. I just don’t want you confusing them,” he said.
“Confuse them with my Wiccan ways or my two men?” She left before he answered, because he’d have no answer.
Slamming the car door, she took a deep breath.
“Don’t give up on your family,” a voice said from the passenger side.
“Grammy, stop. He hates everything about my life. I tried to talk to him.” Nat was used to her dead relations dropping in. They hung around Green Leaf. Chicago had been nice and quiet, a break from the constant chatter from her spirit relatives and the very real people who knew her too well.
“I know you tried. Just don’t give up. You were drawn here for a reason.”
Nat pulled out of the parking spot, then headed home. “What’s going to happen?”
A smile lit Grammy’s kind, wrinkly face. “You know the dead can’t see the future, my dear. My life is over, and I have no worries like you do. You’ll figure it out. I just want my family to be together and happy.”
“Randy took good care of me in the big city.” She fondly remembered all her cousin had done to ensure her smooth transition from country to city life.
“I know he did. But you learned what you needed to there. Now people here need you. Your nieces do. Don’t let Chris push you away.” A hint of grandmotherly sternness edged her tone.
“Why don’t you appear to him, and tell him to back off?” Nat asked.
No one else could see Grammy, but, luckily, no one would think she was crazy for speaking to an apparently empty passenger seat, as Bluetooth devices were common. Then again, no one on the street would blink if they heard Nat talking to her dead grandmother. Coming home had its perks!
“I do try. He doesn’t want to see me. He’s a grounding force and powerful at blocking. But I’ll try again.” Grammy shimmered, then faded.
“Thanks.” Nat sighed. Her brother wasn’t going to stop her from helping if she could, and he wasn’t going to drive her out of town.
Chapter Three
Logan spent most of the morning fielding calls about Natalie. Did the townspeople lose her cell number? She hadn’t changed it. But he’d taken the opportunity to encourage everyone to make sure Nat knew how much they wanted her to stay. He wanted her to feel welcome.
Before another call or visitor came, he picked up the phone and called his Aunt Lorraine. The current coven leader, she’d want to see Nat and help with the dark vision. Aunt Lorraine’s no-nonsense approach might help.
“Green Leaf Beauty Salon,” Lorraine answered. He could hear her clients’ cheerful chatter in the background.
“Hi, Aunt Lorraine. Have you heard who’s in town?” he asked.
“Oh my, yes, she’s the talk of the town. Is she staying?”
“I hope so. I don’t get the feeling she’s itching to get back to the city, but she came for a reason. Dark dreams and a vision she can’t make heads or tails of are frustrating her. She could use some help,” he said.
“Is that her asking, or you?” she replied.
“Me. Zach and I can’t help her. We can keep her safe, but she trusts you. I know she wants to see you—and the coven. Whatever’s up sounds like it’s not happening until around Halloween, so she’ll be in for the holiday. Come around whenever you can. She could use the support. She went to see her brother today.” Earlier, Logan received a text from Nat inviting him on a picnic at Zach’s field for lunch. That told him the meeting with Chris went as badly as expected.
“That man is an old soul, and not in a good way. Good thing we’re not in Salem, or he’d be burning us at the stake,” Lorraine snapped sarcastically.
“He can leave if he doesn’t like the native witch population. I don’t want Nat feeling like she needs to leave to keep the peace. We need her,” he said.
Lorraine’s tone softened. “Are things between you and Zach still tense?”
“Hell, we don’t even need to fight. It’s just not right without her. You get it, but some of the people around here…” He understood why Nat needed some breathing room and to lose herself in a less judgmental city.
“Most people keep their sexual creativity behind closed doors. You three living like a couple is hard for people to ignore.”
“So we should conform?” He couldn’t believe his aunt would even suggest it, when Wiccans themselves were famously unique.
“No, of course not! She has to get some thicker skin. They’re just jealous you’re so happy. You three were blissful. I know she needed more challenges than the ladies in this coven could give her. But you two could’ve gone with her,” she said.
Logan doodled on his notepad, relieving the tension in his fingers by scribbling sketches of Nat. “No, Zach couldn’t let his land go. One of his sisters helps a lot, but the other is a Suzy Homemaker. She does all the inside stuff.” They’d had this debate a year ago.
“I know, and I don’t want to have that fight again. But Zach could’ve hired on hands and let his sister run it. Plenty of experienced farmers around here would’ve helped. You could’ve left me in charge of the insurance agency. So much of your work is on the computer—it’s not like you need to sit in that office. You could’ve done it from Chicago.” She paused to speak to a customer.
He waited patiently. Was she right? Should he and Zach have gone with Nat? Nat had no problem speaking her mind. If she wanted them along, she’d have said so. Wouldn’t she?
“I’m back. We won’t go over the past now. What’s done is done. I’m just saying you need to show a woman she’s not alone. Prove it. She knows she can take care of herself, and she knows she has friends here. You just need to give her extra proof you’ll be there when she needs you. Zach too. If the farm or the office is more important…you’ll lose.” Lorraine huffed.
“Got it. I won’t screw up this time. Just help her a bit.”
“I’ll get on the coven’s Facebook group and see who’s free tonight. We’ll bring dinner. Don’t worry. It’ll be like old times. She wasn’t gone that long. Have a good day,” she said.
“You too,” he said, then hung up.
His cell
phone buzzed with a lunch reminder. He had ten minutes to get to the field. He glanced at the blue, cloudless sky. A quiet lunch with the people he loved on this gorgeous day would be a great change.
* * * *
Nat picked a field far from the main house so Zach’s sisters wouldn’t stumble on them. Nat would visit the women another day, but now she needed her guys—and some quiet. Conservative, small-minded people like her brother weren’t the only men in Green Leaf.
“So your visit with your brother went well?” Zach asked as he walked up, wearing worn jeans and a blue, long-sleeved shirt.
“Just wonderful.” The sarcasm in her tone couldn’t be missed. She had lunch laid out on a big red-and-black-checked flannel blanket. She hadn’t the time or inclination to cook, so she’d ordered take-out from the diner.
He sat on the blanket, then kissed her. She hugged him, basking in his judgment-free love and acceptance.
“Started without me, I see.” Logan sauntered up, hands in his pockets, a sexy grin on his face.
“Never anything serious.” She hugged him after he sat down, then gestured to the meal. “Tons of food. Let’s eat.”
Logan directed his gaze to Zach. “Chris was a jerk?”
Zach smirked.
“I’m right here, you know. He was the same as always. It bugs me because there’s danger out there, and he won’t take it seriously. I didn’t expect my brother to change. He is who he is.” She shrugged, then grabbed a turkey sandwich.
“We know he’s really why you left,” Zach said as if they were discussing the farm report.
“Yeah, you were crazy about us.” Logan bit into a ham sandwich. “But you’re stronger. We can tell.”
“My powers are stronger, and I feel more independent. We’re both adults. If Chris is going to treat me like I’m ten forever… This town isn’t big enough.”
Zach and Logan exchanged uneasy glances.
“Not that I’ll leave because of him, but I don’t want it to be weird. I want to see my nieces and be with you guys. I thought time away might make him see I can make it on my own. Randy gave me a room, but I earned enough for rent in readings. I don’t need you two—or Chris—to take care of me.” She opened a bag of chips harder than she meant to. It split open, and chips spilled all over her lap.
“We know you don’t need us. We hope you want us.” Zach snatched a chip from her skirt, then popped it in his mouth.
She laughed, forcing away the anger her brother always stirred inside her. “I do need you both. Because I love you. Chris needs to relax.”
Logan grabbed a few chips. “Agreed. Leave him alone for a bit and see if he softens. You have enough to keep you busy. You’ll be just fine if he doesn’t want to visit for a while. The coven is coming by tonight and bringing dinner.”
“You didn’t have to call in the troops.” Nat smiled.
“They want to see you.” Logan squeezed her calf playfully. He waved his half-eaten sandwich at her as he swallowed. “I like you in skirts and tank tops. More access.”
She looked over her shoulder as her face went hot. No one for acres. She’d hoped for fun but hadn’t planned it. Unless she counted the protection in the basket.
“Look what I found for dessert.” As if reading her mind, Zach tossed the condoms and individual lube packets on the blanket.
“Subtle.” Logan pushed her skirt up to reveal no panties underneath. “Easy access too.”
“Better safe than sorry,” she said with a wink.
Zach slid closer. He tugged off her tank top. “Someone can’t wait.”
“I can. I want to watch you two as well.” She pushed Logan on his back, then opened his fly. He was already hard at the flirty talk.
“The bossy witch, I like her,” Zach teased, ripping open a foil packet, then offering it to Nat.
She slid the protection onto Logan’s cock.
“She’s not doing much watching,” Logan said, reaching out to flick her nipple playfully.
She hiked up her skirt, turned toward Logan’s feet, then sat on his face, lining up her slit to his lips. “Do something other than talk,” she said, adding just the right amount of sensual tease in her voice. He grabbed her hips, licking her in patterns as she squirmed on him.
Zach slid off his jeans and briefs. Nat tore open a lube packet, then squirted it over Logan’s shaft. Zach didn’t need prep. Those two had had each other for the whole year. Zach straddled Logan’s hips, facing Natalie. As Zach slowly took Logan’s erection in his ass, she stroked Zach’s cock. Nat felt his cock throb, and her cunt tightened with the urge to join them. Zach groaned when Logan lifted. Finally, Zach was balls-deep on the shaft.
The view made Nat’s pussy wetter as she was torn between joining and simply watching. Zach slid up and down Logan’s member to tease her. Finally he kissed her, then leaned forward to lick her breasts. She kept jerking his cock as he rode Logan’s dick. Tilting her head to his, she claimed his lips. Logan’s tongue fucked her as his fingers rubbed her clit and smacked her ass. The intense sensations from every angle were dizzying—and glorious.
She could tell Logan was enjoying himself. He hummed—her whole pussy vibrated. When Logan tapped her clit, she shrieked. Zach covered her mouth with a hand as he sucked her tits and took Logan’s cock harder. The noises from Zach’s throat melted her insides.
Something about men together turned her on. They wanted her, of course, and she loved that. But being able to get off like this with everyone still happy was part of their freeing relationship.
Logan rubbed her clit and wiggled his tongue inside her until a blinding orgasm swept over her. The force of the climax made her gasp. Her hips jerked, but she found his mouth again. Zach slammed his ass down on Logan faster and faster. In the afterglow of her release, she stroked Zach’s cock until he came on her skirt in a grunting and cursing serenade.
Logan lifted his hips to Zach and groaned against her pussy. Curious, Nat slid off Logan. “Did you come?” she asked.
“Fuck yeah. I was pinned down, but muffled, literally.” Logan eased back. His dick popped out of Zach’s ass. He wrapped the used latex in a napkin, then put it in the bag of trash.
Nat gently massaged his cock to ensure he was done. His oversensitivity said he’d filled that condom good.
“I’d say that was a fun picnic.” Zach leaned over, kissed Logan and then Natalie.
Logan closed his fly, then tucked in his shirt. “I’ve got your juice on my neck.”
Zach scooted next to him, lapped it up, then kissed him on the lips. Nat’s pussy throbbed in pleasure.
“Well, I better get back to work.” Logan kissed her. He brushed bits of grass off his clothes.
Nat flicked a stray crushed potato chip off his ass pocket. “You look fine. No one will know what you were up to.” She grinned.
“Good. See you two tonight.” Logan started across the field while Zach and Nat admired the swaying saunter of his butt.
Zach slid on his clothing. “We’ve had a lot of each other while you were gone. Don’t worry about being selfish,” he said.
She shook her head. “Wasn’t about being selfish. I needed to see you two together again. That you still connected and loved each other. I know things haven’t been perfect. I could tell from your e-mails.”
“Sex isn’t our problem. We miss you in that, don’t get me wrong, but that’s one area where we can just shut down the worry and longing, and enjoy each other. We need you around, not just to screw.” He kissed her breasts before she adjusted her tank top and the nude bra underneath.
“I see. Well, I still like watching you two together. Hopefully the rest will balance out.” She hugged him tightly, inhaling his masculine scent.
After helping her clean up, he wiped his hands and said, “I better get back to the fields.”
“Am I in the way here?” she asked.
“No, if you want to stay and nap or something, go right ahead—just be careful the barn cats don’t grab a fre
e meal and trip home in your basket.” He kissed her forehead, then headed off to another field.
In the afterglow, she felt at one with the universe. A thin blanket kept the chill of the fall earth from her, and the noon sun warmed her from above. Sitting crossed-legged, she invited the power of nature to vibrate through her body. Maybe being closer to the town and more connected would make her vision clearer?
Rushing things wasn’t a good idea. She knew it. Patience wasn’t one of her gifts. However, when people could end up hurt, how could she sit back and wait for things to get crystal clear?
She leaned over the edge of the blanket, then grabbed a handful of rich soil. Rubbing the chilled dirt between her hands, she focused on Halloween. Terror would fill the town. She tried to delve into what would go wrong. A fire? A shooting? A child falling off a hayride cart and breaking their neck? Nothing locked in.
The dread and helplessness hit her like a fist in the gut. She couldn’t stop it, and there would be no way to control it. Fate would happen, no matter what.
Chapter Four
Zach cringed as the woman he loved struggled and swayed with her eyes closed. He’d seen her meditate plenty of times. He tried not to intrude, but if something worried her, he couldn’t leave her alone in a field. He’d made it twenty feet before he turned around and texted Logan to stay awhile longer. This wasn’t Nat’s usual getting-in-touch-with-the-Goddess-or-Mother-Earth session. It’d been a great picnic, but she was determined. Logan came back immediately. They approached her slowly, straining to hear her quiet words.
“There has to be something,” she whispered.
“What? Natalie, come out of it,” Zach said, kneeling in front of her.
“Don’t tell her what to do. It’s her gift,” Logan said.
Zach cast Logan an accusatory glance. “You don’t care?”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Of course I care. We’re not going to convince her to stay by smothering her or telling her what to do. She’s stronger than before. If she wants to try to stretch herself, I won’t stand in her way.”
“I don’t want to see her in pain. She’s fighting.” Zach didn’t want her to leave, but he couldn’t be hands-off.