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Salesmen on the Rise Page 3

“I’ll admit Lucky Springs is remarkably progressive. Two of our high school teachers were a lesbian couple. We all knew, and nobody cared. They didn’t make a big show of it until they retired and went up to Canada to get married.” Ash smiled. “Sex parties and alternative relationships are great. You won’t get harassed here. The bottom line, however, is that whatever form a relationship takes, the people in it are still committed to them.”

  “Come on. I need the swinging singles scene. Not men trying to stake their claim and tie me down.” Zoe inhaled her fries.

  “Again, it’s early to be freaking out. I think it’s in your head. Or you like them a lot more than you’re admitting.”

  Zoe looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was listening in. “I just don’t want to be the bitch. It’s such a small town.”

  “If you want to play the field, you need to go for a job in a big city. Small towns, even progressive ones, don’t have that sort of scene. With the influx of men for the factory, you can screw every one of them, sure, but cheating or using people has consequences here. Everyone knows everyone.”

  “There, that’s what I need from a supportive friend.” Zoe took another delicious bit of fat and grease.

  “Okay, that’s not where I was going. There are only so many men here. The hiring has stopped for the factory, at least for now. You don’t want to get that sort of slutty reputation in a small town. There are tons of great available men in town if you strike out.” Ash scrunched her nose.

  “I’m not striking out. I’ve dated plenty, and maybe, I’m happy alone with sexual benefits?” Zoe said a little louder than she meant to.

  “Then you wouldn’t be stressing about these guys. They could be your sexual benefits and do the heavy lifting. You could be roommates. There are a lot of potential scenarios that might work, but you’re focused in on the commitment. Maybe you are ready for a more than casual relationship?”

  “Please. Maybe when hell freezes over, or I turn forty.” Zoe blocked out her thirtieth birthday. That couldn’t be it!

  “Plus the word from HR is that they need to add office staff to keep up with all the men they’ve added. We should be hiring very soon, which will hopefully bring in more women. They’re already adding more women in the factory’s shipping and logistics office. Everything will balance out.” Ash nodded.

  Competition had never bothered Zoe, but there was no way to tell who’d be coming in. Younger women? College grads fresh from their sorority houses? “That doesn’t mean I need to settle down.”

  Ash shook her head. “No, you don’t. As long as the guys are in it for the casual fun then you’re good. I don’t want to see them get hurt. Maybe you should be talking to them instead of me?”

  “It’s too early for that. It’s not a big deal yet. I just won’t let it get serious. I’ll have to make it abundantly clear and not get attached.” Zoe had a plan. Men loved sex for the sake of sex.

  “Four men provide plenty of variety when it comes to personalities and sexual options. Is getting attached such a terrible thing?” Ash sipped her tea.

  “Don’t start. That’s what I had to listen to last night. How cute and sweet and hot the men all are from Crystal and Lizzie.” Zoe bit into her last fry.

  “They are. I’ve known Cam and Don since school. They’re great guys. I’ve worked with Owen and Jarrett, and they’re nice. I don’t want to see you crush them. Or for you to get hurt or mess things up with your job. Small towns have long memories. Believe me, I know.”

  Zoe smiled. “And you’re staying. You’re a lifer in Lucky Springs. Okay, a slight detour for college and the post college strike out on your own, but everyone here loves you. It makes sense for you. It’s your home.”

  “Okay. What are you thinking?” Ash stirred her tea nervously.

  “You can find out where the sex parties are. Come on. That’d be a snap for you. Please! I have no problem being the single party girl for the next decade if I know I can go to a party and get regular sex. One or four men, whatever I want at the time. It’d be perfect for me.” Zoe saw her future as a marketing goddess and, one day, as a fun cougar who’d invite the younger men to the parties. There’d be no reason to settle down ever!

  “Zoe, I love you. You’re the big sister I never had. Stylish, bold and independent. You don’t need a ring on your finger to be confident, and that’s great.”

  “But wait? What? They won’t let me in a sex party without a husband?” Zoe frowned.

  “No, I didn’t say that. I don’t know any details, and I don’t think you need the party scene. All of the people I know who go to those parties are in some sort of relationship. People go to keep the relationship fresh and a little kinky.” Ash shrugged.

  “I’m not looking to steal someone’s man or men.” Zoe felt the curse. Being single had some downsides.

  “Do you seriously think sex parties are the answer? Sleeping with other people’s men while their women watch, it won’t make you happy. I think your issue is bigger. Maybe you want more? People change and grow. I never dreamed I’d end up with four guys, but I’d never trade them now.”

  “You’re happy, and I’m glad. We’re just different.” Zoe sat back as the food hit her stomach. She’d need a nap this afternoon—or something fun to work off the calorie-fest.

  “So if I threw you a party for your big birthday, you’d kill me, right?” Ash asked.

  Zoe glared. “I’ll be twenty-nine until I’m forty, and then maybe, I’ll claim thirty-five.”

  “Fine. Just don’t go crazy over a number. Or four good guys. Some women would kill to have what you have. If Lucky Springs isn’t for you, you’ll know. Just wait until the birthday drama calms down. I’m sure you still have headhunters working for you in large cities. They’ll find you something eventually. Don’t do anything drastic.” Ash grabbed the check.

  “What’s my share?” Zoe asked.

  “Nothing, my treat. Birthday lunch.” Ash smiled.

  “It’s not for three weeks.” Zoe reached for the check.

  “So? Then when the big day comes, I won’t feel bad if you don’t want to celebrate it. Of course, if you need cake and sympathy, Lizzie, Crystal and I will always be there for you!”

  “Thanks. I like that logic. And thank you for the advice. I needed the perspective.” Zoe sighed.

  “No problem. Now, go back to your men.” Ash winked.

  Zoe shook her head. Today, her boss had approved her trip to New Orleans with the guys for the tradeshow. The idea turned her on and scared her a little, but Ash’s advice was solid.

  Lucky Springs wasn’t Zoe’s hometown. She didn’t need to stay here forever. No doubt, she didn’t fit in, but she didn’t hate it here either.

  It’d be so much easier if she couldn’t wait to leave!

  Chapter Three

  “You think she’ll really show up?” Owen asked.

  “She said she would.” Don had invited Zoe to dinner a few days after their first encounter. Two days later, they’d fooled around once more at work, but they wanted to see her outside of the office.

  “Never thought you’d be the one to push things along.” Cam strained the pasta.

  “I’m hoping, coming from me, she won’t feel as pressured. We want to see her. That doesn’t mean pressure or commitment. Dinner and sleeping over isn’t a life sentence.” Don checked the table then glanced at the clock.

  Jar stirred homemade sauce on the stove. “I think it’s great. We don’t want it to be weird when we go to New Orleans.”

  “If she said yes, we’re good. Zoe is direct enough. If it was too much too fast, she’d flat out tell Don.” Cam winked him.

  The doorbell rang, and Don smiled. He opened the door and found Zoe with two bottles of wine. She looked fantastic in a little black dress and heels. “You look like you’re headed to an elegant party.”

  “I never get to dress up here. Work clothes, sure, but this dress never gets out.” She spun.

  “You could wear th
at out anywhere,” Cam said.

  “I’d stand out more than a little.” She hugged both men and handed over the wine. “Something smells wonderful.”

  “Hope you brought your appetite.” Owen walked up and kissed her cheek. “There’s a ton of pasta.”

  “With four hunky men, I’m sure it won’t go to waste.” Zoe inhaled. “I love garlic.”

  “Good, my entire contribution is extra-buttered and garlic-overdosed bread. Quick tour or food?” Don offered.

  “Tour.” She shrugged.

  “I’ll open the wine.” Owen headed back to the kitchen.

  “Where’s Jar?” she asked Don.

  “Stirring his sauce. It’s excellent homemade stuff. He’s a little anal about it.” Don gave her a tour of the two-story home.

  “You guys are so cute! It looks as though you use two of the bedrooms. Aren’t you all together?” she asked quietly.

  “Sure, but we lived here before that happened. When Cam and I rented out the room, we didn’t know it’d turn into this. We can all squeeze into one bed, but for dressers and closet space, we need both rooms.” Don led her back to the eat-in kitchen. Since that first time with all four men, it’d become a habit to stick together.

  The old wooden table was full of food. Jar set a bowl of sauce out and kissed Zoe. “Grab a seat. It’s all ready.”

  “You didn’t need to go to this much trouble. I’ve never had so much homemade food in my life. Lucky Springs really needs more fast food places.” Zoe sat down.

  The guys chuckled as they sat. Owen poured the wine liberally.

  “Your mom didn’t cook when you were a kid?” Cam asked.

  Zoe blushed. “My mom worked a lot. Single mom, so no. I am a cereal and microwave gourmet.”

  “Then let us spoil you. There’s sauce with and without meat.” Jar pointed at them.

  “I’m not a vegetarian.” Zoe grabbed the meat sauce as Cam dished out pasta.

  “We know, but the spices are slightly different. Jar always makes both. You can try the other one for a second helping if you want to test it.” Owen grabbed the meatless sauce.

  “If I keep eating like this, I won’t fit into my cute dresses anymore.” She grabbed a sizeable piece of garlic bread.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll help keep up your activity level to burn off the calories.” Don spun his fork in the pasta.

  “Or it’s an excuse to buy new clothes.” Cam piled food on his plate.

  “Real food is healthier than all that processed junk you were raised on. Your body will use it better.” Jar sipped his wine.

  “We’re talking about my body way too much. Are you guys ready for New Orleans? Checking out the potential clients who’ll be there?” she asked.

  “We’re ready. One hotel room should be enough,” Don said.

  Zoe coughed as she swallowed her wine. “What?”

  Cam patted her on the back. “Just trying to save the company some money. We booked one room with two double beds. If you want your own space, you can book your own room.”

  “Well, it’s a matter of space. I know it’s only a few days, but clothes need to be hung up, and hotels give you barely a few drawers. For five people? It’s not the sleeping together. Plus, the company records of the trip would be out there. It’d be all over the place in no time. Let me think about it.” She stuffed a fork full of pasta into her mouth.

  “Then it’s a good thing we brought it up. We don’t care if the company knows about us.” Owen took another piece of garlic bread.

  She swallowed more wine. “Anything else we need to talk about before I take another bite?”

  Don laughed. “Dig in. We’ve got all night to work off the carbs.”

  “Sounds like heaven.” Zoe bit into a piece of garlic bread and moaned.

  * * * *

  After a huge meal and a few more glasses of wine, Zoe found herself naked on a big bed. The men were still fully dressed and massaging Zoe’s body. She finally started the ball rolling, tugging Cam’s shirt out of his pants. The men stripped quickly, and she enjoyed the show. So many men to look at!

  They were prepared too! A strip of condoms and other packets were already set out on the nightstand. Zoe grabbed the other packets and discovered lube in packets. She’s always bought the bottle, but this worked, too. For a second, she felt uneasy. She wanted to have all of the guys and to watch these men together. While she was a strong woman, she wasn’t usually a bossy bitch in bed. Of course, she had noticed some looks and attractions among the men, and fusing two couples could be complicated.

  Jar kissed her and eased her back into the pillows. All the hands and mouths on her body relaxed her tension as arousal took over. Groping the men, she teased growing cocks and pinched firm asses. With this many men, thinking wasn’t really possible for her!

  Someone fingered her pussy, and she sat up. The last thing she needed now was foreplay. Wet and eager, she needed to move things along. Jar was the one teasing her cunt, and she pushed him onto his back on the bed. Rubbing his cock to make sure he was fully hard, Zoe grabbed a condom with her other hand. A tongue worked her ass, and she turned quickly.

  Cam nipped her rear playfully. “One at a time or would you like to be in the middle?”

  She moaned and pressed back on his finger as he tested her asshole. Without a second thought, she rolled the protection on Jar’s cock and straddled him. Rubbing her pussy along his erection, she felt need shoot throughout her body. Dinner and talking were nice, but they could do lunch and hang out at work. Having them all to herself was outstanding.

  Sinking down on Jar’s cock, she took every bit of him then rocked on his cock as she leaned forward and kissed him. Owen stretched out next to Jar, and she found a three-way kiss was even more fun. Cam’s fingers worked her ass playfully, but when he added lube to the mix, she moaned and held still. Strong hands spread her cheeks while Cam slowly filled her. Two thick cocks inside of her was a thrilling experience. She exhaled and relaxed her body.

  “Not your first time?” Cam reached around and rubbed her clit.

  It wasn’t her first, but it was the best. She screamed and trembled while Owen kissed her then Jar. Cam took his time, but after a little back and forth play, Zoe felt the press of his balls. “Damn!”

  “Can’t get away with this at work.” Don bit her hip.

  “I’d never stay quiet.” She shifted her hips and felt the pressure hitting acutely sensitive spots deep inside of her. The cocks felt as if they were rubbing against each other, but her body was in there and it felt so good she groaned when she barely moved.

  “You set the pace,” Cam said.

  Part of her wanted to protest and let them fuck her senseless, but she knew they let her take over to avoid hurting her. They were great men. The tight sensation had her on edge. Rocking forward, she groaned and slid back.

  Cam moaned, and she looked back. Don had disappeared, and she imagined him behind Cam, fucking or licking his ass. No doubt, these four men were better at anal sex than she was, but it felt so delectable she wanted to learn all they had to share. Cam resumed rubbing her clit, and her muscles approved.

  She rocked, and it was easier to move. Letting go was nothing, but sliding back on two cocks at once made her lightheaded as they stretched her.

  “You got it, Zoe.” Owen focused on nipples as he pinched hers sucked on Jar’s.

  The added jolt made her body vibrate with need. Cam gasped but steadied himself by the time she pushed back on them again.

  “What’s Don doing to Cam?” she asked.

  Owen smiled. “A rim job. I’d say he likes it.”

  “Damn, he’s brilliant at it.” Cam leaned over and kissed her spine.

  Imagining it, Zoe fucked back on the two cocks faster. She wanted to see men doing stuff to each other and getting her off. Coordinating a large group for sex wasn’t easy, but she wanted to try it all! There was no telling when the men might lose interest or get too clingy.

  “I thi
nk Zoe likes it.” Jar lifted, matching her pace.

  “Oh God! Fuck me!” She froze as the orgasm blasted, making her tighten on both cocks as they filled her. Her clit tingled as Cam rubbed it harder. Finally, her body relaxed into the orgasm, and Jar lifted, grunting as he said her name.

  Cam filled her ass a couple more times, then shouted his release. He slumped on her, holding her tight for a few seconds. She let the floating feeling linger. Good sex was hard to predict, but with these four guys, she had it. She kissed Jar then rolled on her side. Cam slid from her body but leaned down to kiss her breast then up to her mouth.

  “I think we wore her out.” Cam dumped his used protection.

  Jar followed the example. “I doubt it. We probably just warmed her up.”

  “Damn right, but I want to watch two of you screwing each other, as well.” Zoe stretched, feeling the new muscles she’d put to work just now.

  Owen grinned down at her. “So do you want Don and me to perform for you or fuck you senseless?”

  She knew what she wanted, but there was no telling how long it’d take one of the other two men to get hard again. She glanced over at Jar. He looked so angelic yet was as sexually engaged as any man.

  “I want you two to fuck me, and if Jar gets motivated, I’d love to see him fuck Cam.” She pulled Owen down into a kiss to avoid seeing any reactions.

  When they came up for air, Don kissed her. Owen slid down her body and licked her pussy. The men were more than ready but took their time. Gifted tongues worked to restart her engines. In no time, they proved she was far from exhausted. Her hips lifted as her arousal sparked. Don slid on protection, and she couldn’t control herself. Sinking on his cock, she rotated her hips playfully. Owen smacked her bottom before fingering lube into her asshole.

  Moaning, she relaxed and pressed to Don. Owen worked inside of her faster. It felt so natural now that Zoe knew one man would never again suffice.

  “Good?” Jar asked.

  She opened her eyes and saw Cam sucking Jar’s cock eagerly. The view boiled up need deep inside of her. “Great. Even better now. You want to screw his brains out?”