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Christmas in Dreamland
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Christmas in Dreamland
A 7th Kind Story
By Cheryl Dragon
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Christmas in Dreamland
Copyright © 2011, Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Michele Paulin and Juli Simonson
Cover art by Les Byerley, www.les3photo8.com
Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-404-8
Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Electronic release: September 2011
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.
Chapter One
Life inside a self-sufficient military base and research center located in the middle of the desert sounded dangerous and impressive, but to Charlie Smith it was generally dull. People called the facility Dreamland, and most of the stories about it were dreams. Of course, the reality could be even scarier some days.
Day in and day out, routine was the key. Surprises weren’t allowed, but the scientists monitored for possibilities incessantly. Sensors and a no-fly zone kept things predictable. The staff’s work was important, and Charlie preferred this life to the alternative he’d escaped as a child.
Decked out in his usual security outfit of jeans, black shirt and belt full of weapons, he strolled into the biotech lab run by his dream girl. Meg Lyle leaned over a microscope on a lab table—not an unusual posture for her. Her tight rear end stuck out as she shifted from foot to foot.
“Hey, Meg. Adorable as always.”
She grunted in reply and held up her index finger. The woman loved her work, and not much got in the way. Her cat and food were the only things for which Charlie had ever seen her pause. The alien-looking cat had no hair and was a purebred diva Meg called ET. Today, the cat yawned on a nearby metal table.
Charlie checked out Meg even further while she zoomed in on her slides. Meg was a creature of habit. Her hair was pulled back in a long ponytail that coiled to the small of her back, her glasses made her look like the geeky genius she was, and today, she wore a pink and blue floral-print dress that hit her knees and peeked from beneath her crisp, white lab coat. It made her look taller than she was though her shoes were flats that were broken in and kept her from slipping on the slick floors.
The dream of having Meg was shared by Charlie and his unit.
Sure, there weren’t a ton of single women working in this top-secret military base, but it wasn’t just her gender and unique looks that made them long for her. Meg’s quirks ran deep, and she might just be able to handle three men. She was a civilian, for one, and acted like it.
The trio had plans, but with their Marine training, they could wait days without moving a muscle or years without making a move. Timing was everything. Meg clearly wouldn’t figure out their interest until they were ready. Ménage wasn’t traditional, so Charlie could hardly blame her, but a unique woman like Meg was the type who could handle them once they broke the ice.
Charlie had grown tired of waiting and wanted to pounce now. The Christmas break might provide the chance the group had been waiting for. Meg was not on the list of people to fly to Vegas today. If she was staying, their boring security detail had new potential for fun.
With the snap of a control, Meg turned off the machine and smiled at Charlie. “Sorry, what’s up?”
“You’re staying in for the holiday?” he asked.
She nodded. “I’ve got this project, and the big boss doesn’t want it put aside. Besides, what am I missing? My perfect sister’s elegant holiday dinner is just an opportunity for my entire family to rub in that I’m still single. I can’t even brag about my work. Everything is top secret.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll be here. It can be fun when it’s quiet.” He leaned in. “What are you working on?”
“Abductions are up again.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ve been working on a biological countermeasure. The higher ups want me to refine it. I have no idea how I’m going to test it.”
“Since all the aliens were moved to other locations, maybe the higher ups can do something remotely,” Charlie suggested.
Her nose scrunched, and her glasses lifted. “No, this would completely incapacitate them and cause extreme pain. I can’t do that to some refugee alien. Luckily for humans, it’s totally harmless.”
Charlie watched her close a tube of pale green powder and blow the excess off her table. The government had control of all the refugee aliens. Some had simply crashed to earth while others left the home planet of the Keelons because they weren’t happy with the warrior life. The Keelons weren’t expected to colonize earth, but they had abducted enough humans to be considered a threat. Charlie hoped the general human population never became aware of aliens amongst them. Panic on a massive scale would be dangerous.
He stepped away and tried to make it casual. Petting ET, he wondered what Meg would think if she knew the truth about the trio out to seduce her. Things weren’t so simple here.
After washing her hands, Meg walked over and leaned on the table. “ET likes you. She’s purring.”
“I’m sure there’s another way for you to test your project. A genius like you will figure it out. The idea that you design weapons does seem weird.” Charlie loved her brain and openness, but she never seemed to look up from her work.
“That’s just part of my job. Anything biological is my area.” She rubbed the cat’s ears. “So you and your pals got holiday duty? Bet your girlfriends are pissed.”
Charlie grinned. Meg didn’t flirt much, but every once in a while, he saw a glimmer of her personal side. Her tall form and subtle curves teased men, and she seemed clueless about it. Some guys thought she was frigid or a geek.
“No girlfriends. We don’t have much of a life outside of work. Career military makes it hard. Leaving someone outside Dreamland for months at a time seems cruel. We were overseas for years, too. It’s not right.”
“Please, plenty of men do that. Too bad, there aren’t tons of single women here. Statistically speaking, I should have plenty of male attention, but there are a lot of variables to analyze.” She laughed, but Charlie sensed it was only half a joke.
“Come on, you don’t have a boyfriend amongst your lab guys?” Charlie wanted to make sure.
She blushed and pushed her glasses up her nose. “No! They work for me. That’d just be wrong! It’s hard enough to be a woman around here. I’m not going to invite trouble by sexually harassing my staff. The big guys scrutinize everything. They’re reluctant enough to bring in women.”
He leaned in close to her. “You really think they’d feel harassed? They’d be fighting to get your attention. I bet they all think you’d be offended because you are the boss. The rest of the guys, no doubt, believe you’d be taken by some hot genius who can stimulate your brain and your body.”
“Stop teasing me. You, Henry and Ike can go and get all the girls you want in Vegas once the holidays are over. Then you’ll have some vacation time.” She picked up her cat and walked to the office conveniently built into her lab area.
Had he stepped on a nerve? Women were a mystery he’d never fully understand, but Meg was the only one he wanted to explore. She was the one
woman they needed.
He followed her into the office. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No. I’m glad to have friends to get through the holidays with. But please don’t start any rumors about me. I’m not dating anyone—no one here or outside. My work here is too important for me to have any issues. I don’t want to be reassigned or fired.” Meg opened a closet and pulled out some Christmas decorations. Digging through, she picked out a collar with jingle bells and put it on ET.
“Meg, you’re a genius. Any think tank or university would give you your own lab and a ton of funding.” Charlie had overheard some of the offers. The lab guys were jealous of her opportunities and genius.
“Our work here is far more important that anything I’d do out there. My staff is good, but none of them can think the way I do. People’s lives and safety are most important. Commander Hastings thinks I’m a flake, but no one can do what I do here.”
Charlie chuckled. “He does not. You’re quirky. That’s all. Most people here are military or former military. You tend not to follow orders all the time. In Dreamland, they need people who can think outside this galaxy, not just outside the box.”
“They removed all the aliens, so who knows where I’ll end up. My role is supportive and civilian. Following orders isn’t my strength.” She smiled and set out a little Christmas tree on her desk.
“I like a rebel.” Charlie picked up a strand of silver garland and wrapped it around her neck.
Meg rolled her eyes. “I don’t think I’m really a rebel. I was a good student, never broke a law that I know of and lead a very boring personal life. Rebel, no.”
“I don’t buy the sweet innocent act.” He wanted to deepen the conversation, but without the other guys, it wasn’t right. They all needed to be in on the move and to agree it was right.
“I’m not that sweet. Mess with my experiment or my friends and I’ll stick your face in liquid nitrogen. Consider yourself warned.” Meg winked.
“No problem. I’ll steer clear. You have fun with your dust. But if you get bored, you can always join us for meals and movies. We’ll keep you busy and full of holiday cheer.” Charlie left before he said too much.
* * * *
In the security hub of Dreamland, Henry Jones and Ike Nelson went over the list of people staying for the holidays. Mostly, it was the basic security and essential personnel they were never without…plus Meg.
“Something is up,” Ike said.
“Abductions are. So are refugees looking for sanctuary. She’s probably working on it. It’s a lucky break for us.” Henry knew how badly Ike wanted Meg. The stoic alpha rarely showed his feelings, but the other two men sensed it. They all wanted their female to complete the group and feel whole.
“Definitely working on something. She’s amazing.” Charlie walked in. “She’s single, for sure, and here for the holiday on a project that seems pressing, but she can’t really test it.”
“Then why is she stuck here?” Ike asked.
“Who knows? Something about the higher ups wanting her to be on the project.” Charlie shrugged.
Henry grinned at Charlie. “Maybe it’s so top secret they don’t want her out in public until it’s sorted out here?”
Ike shook his head. “She’s earned their trust and her security clearance. They need her here for something. Any idea what the project is?”
“Some weapon to hurt the aliens. Don’t go near that pale green dust she’s working with. Causes extreme pain.” Charlie sat in the chair next to Henry.
“You charmed the socks off her.” Henry leaned over and kissed him. The three men were bonded by work and life. Ike’s reserved demeanor made him uncomfortable with showing open affection so Charlie and Henry showered it on each other, despite the very equal three-way sex they shared. All the men craved a feminine lover as well as each other. They needed Meg.
“No, I think I freaked her out a little. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t dating anyone, and I might’ve pushed a bit. None of her lab guys are dating her, and there’s no one on the outside. I say we claim her before someone else does.”
Charlie stared at Henry’s form in his black T-shirts and jeans. The men were required to look like civilians in case they had to head off outsiders trying to get in. Nothing on their clothing showed rank or military alliance, with the possible exception of their black combat boots. While some might find the casual feel and serious nature of the job conflicted, Henry loved the variety of work here. War was hell, but intelligence and protecting people was a thrill.
“She has no clue about us?” Ike asked.
Henry and Charlie exchanged concerned looks.
“No, well, I don’t think so. I avoided the dust she was working with and kept the conversation more about the dating thing and the holiday stuff than about her experiment. But she’s smart. We can’t keep it from her if we get involved.” Charlie shrugged.
Henry nodded. “She worked with that group of crashed aliens last year. Meg protected them and fought for their rights to have some private space and help. Yes, okay some of the aliens are programmed to be killers but all are trained warriors. They are dangerous. But if they want sanctuary, we have to be open and she is. If the Keelons come after us, I want the weapon she’s making. We have to trust her though, or it’ll screw up everything.”
“We don’t even know if she’s interested in us. A group thing isn’t very human,” Ike said. He’d been the one holding things back.
“She was flirting with me a little today. I think she wants a sex life. So we’re not traditional? More reason to come clean and tell her. We all love and want her, and I think she’s the type who can deal with it. The alien culture isn’t a shock to her.” Henry let his frustration slip out in his tone.
Ike paced. “Meg’s aware of the cultural issues, and we can explain how we came to be here, but that doesn’t mean she’ll love all of us and want to be in this mess. We have no right to complicate her life.”
“You want her. This is our chance to find out if she wants us. There are less people here now. Less distractions. It’s perfect.” Charlie shook his head. “I’ve seen you take a million crazy risks. What’s one more?”
Ike nodded. “You’re right. This is our chance. We can make our move on her and see if she’s interested in us. We’ll keep it sexual and about the relationship until we know we can trust her with our secret.”
“Not tell her about us?” Henry normally didn’t make waves or argue with his unit, but he wanted this to work.
“Not until we know she’s into us.” Ike seemed so certain.
Charlie sighed. “Fine. But she might guess because of our sexual grouping and my avoiding the dust. We can’t keep it from her long, or she’ll dump us on principle. If she can’t trust us to tell the truth, I wouldn’t blame her.”
“I trust her, but I don’t want to scare her off, either. No one knows more than Meg that not all aliens can be trusted. One of those refugees went rogue and tried to kill everyone. The Keelons from the home world could be out to take humans or reclaim all their citizens who left. There’s no way to know if a few are hiding on earth and passing for humans. Hell, maybe some of the crash victims are working for the Keelons back home. We need to be sure how she feels before we put her in that position. And then we tell her our story.”
“Fine. So how do we want to approach her?” Henry asked.
Charlie grinned. “I’ve got an idea. Less talk, more action. It’s what we’re good at. Plus, no one will get nervous and let the truth slip. At least, not until we’ve had plenty of fun. I love you guys, but we really need that woman in our group.”
Ike paced.
“What? What is it?” Henry pressed.
“We don’t know what’s going on right now. The abductions. Her weapon. The closer she is to us, the more danger she’s in. We won’t let anyone hurt her or take her from us,” Ike said.
“Of course, we’re not going to let anything happen to her. The closer we are,
the more we can protect her. We’re assimilated to earth. I’m never leaving this planet so let them come,” Charlie said.
“Absolutely.” Henry patted Charlie’s shoulder. “We’re in this together. The sooner she’s ours, the sooner she knows the truth and we can keep her safe with us—she made the weapon so she’s the biggest threat to the Keelons. Plus, she’ll watch out for us where she can. That big sexy brain of hers can solve this, neutralize the threat. I believe in her. It’s not just love or friendship. She’s special. We don’t deserve her, but I think if we work together to keep her happy in bed, she’ll think we’re worth bucking tradition.”
Ike cleared his throat. “If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s working together. In the field or in bed. We’ll make her happy, but don’t get your hearts set on it. The future is too unpredictable right now. I’d rather have her safe without us.”
“So noble.” Henry smiled.
“So sexist. She’ll get on your ass for that, Ike. She’s not military, and she’s proud of it. That woman isn’t weak or needy. She’s feisty.” Charlie leaned back in his chair. “I say we make our move tonight.”
“I’m in.” Henry rolled his chair closer and kissed Charlie’s neck. “What’s the plan?”
Chapter Two
Getting ready for bed, Meg washed her face and patted it dry with a towel. She rubbed on some moisturizer and put her glasses back on. Life in Dreamland was orderly, and mostly, she fit in, something she’d never felt before. Of course, it didn’t help her social life. Most of the men here treated her like a sister. All those men and, still, she was single. Her frustration over work and being alone on the holidays made her mad at herself.
Unlike her mother and her sister, she didn’t define success or worth as having a husband and kids. That didn’t mean she didn’t want them. Things never seemed as easy for Meg as they did for others. It couldn’t be one dream man, and she just had to work up the courage to ask him out. Just her luck, Charlie and his pals were all in Dreamland for the holidays. She loved each of them in their own way, and all of them were sexy. They were all friendly to her and flirted a bit, but none had asked her out or made any moves. There was an odd vibe she couldn’t shake. They wanted something, and she wanted them—not that she’d made any advances either. Which one would she pick?