Christmas in Dreamland Read online

Page 4

  “The notes say we’re to keep things contained and under observation until there are further instructions. But it is to be delivered to your lab.” Ike shrugged. “That’s the military way. We’ll get it set up. There’s some sort of containment area that needs to go in. This takes priority so you’ll be seeing a lot of us today.”

  Meg sighed. “That part I don’t mind, but sometimes I hate this top secret crap in my job. National security is important, but we’re all on the same team. My security clearance isn’t enough?” She rolled her eyes.

  “We’re delivery guys today. Don’t take it personally. Plus you could go to a think tank or university, I’m sure. No drama and maybe more money,” Henry teased.

  “You’d miss me too much. You three wouldn’t fit at either place. Plus, those places require more sucking up and office politics than I can handle.” She gave them a big smile before heading off. “I’ll see you guys later for the containment setup. Drop off the package when it gets here. Suspicious seems to be the theme for this holiday. I’ve got work to do.”

  Chapter Four

  Ike, Henry and Charlie plus a few others walked into the lab and began setting up a mobile containment unit. Plastic walls that went from floor to ceiling and a seal ensured it was airtight.

  “What the hell are you doing to my lab?” Meg walked from her office and lifted her glasses as if she didn’t believe her eyes.

  “Containment facility.” Ike shrugged. “We warned you.”

  “What are we containing? A mountain lion?” She propped her hands on her hips and walked inside and out.

  Ike smiled but quickly made his expression go to neutral again. He loved her view of the world and fearless approach. She’d do just fine if she was dropped in enemy territory, and she’d be bored in a university setting. She belonged with them.

  “It’s supposed to be locked and clean. Get out of the way, Meg.” Henry ushered her back as the men fitted the door to the frame and made sure it sealed tightly.

  “Testing.” Charlie hit a button and colored smoke escaped from one of the corners.

  Ike sealed it off, and they watched for more breaches. “Looks solid. Air it out, bring in the equipment and I’ll let Meg set the lock code.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Not yet.” He nodded to the keypad.

  She popped in a code and tested it. They backed away from the door as the men brought in four cots and chairs. One table and a few boxes followed.

  Ike nodded to the three add-ons who’d helped. “That’s all. Thanks, guys.”

  The men nodded and exited.

  “Sorry, they don’t know what’s going in here. We can’t let more people know than absolutely necessary.” Ike sighed.

  “Wait a second. The plane with our delivery hasn’t touched down.” Charlie moved in and kissed Meg softly.

  She blushed and looked around as if her staff was there. “Hi.”

  Ike felt a little guilty about overlooking affection, but he had a job to do. He’d make it up to her later. Charlie and Henry were better at shifting from personal to business. When Meg went over to kiss Henry, Ike braced for the arousal.

  She approached him. “Is it against the rules?” she asked.

  He smiled. “You don’t follow the rules all the time. I like your boldness.”

  Meg kissed his chin and slid up to tempt his mouth. The shot of need grew in him, and Ike didn’t back away.

  “No one ever called me bold before. I’m stubborn and difficult. A nerd with conviction.” She grinned at him.

  “You’re no nerd.” Ike knew her appearance fit the definition. She wasn’t a beauty in the way humans defined perfection, but she was unique with sharp features and by no means unattractive.

  “So what’s going in here? People? I’m not a babysitter.” Meg walked around inside.

  Ike knew she’d figure it out. He didn’t want to have to say it.

  “It’s going to upset her,” Charlie whispered to Ike.

  “We can’t change it.”

  Henry moved close. “Tell her the truth and let her experiment on us.”

  “Are you crazy?” Charlie’s jaw dropped. “We’re not getting tortured. There has to be another way.”

  Ike held up a hand. “Stop. We aren’t volunteering for anything until we know the plan for the guests. It might have nothing to do with her experiment.”

  “Right, because they’re under her care and she was kept back from holiday leave for an experiment she can’t complete without a lab rat, or four, to test on.” Charlie shook his head.

  Meg stalked out of the enclosure. “No! No way.”

  “What’s wrong?” Ike asked.

  She pointed at it. “There are four cots. You’re bringing back the aliens for me to test on. I’m not going to hurt people or animals or anything.”

  “Relax, Meg. We don’t know your orders yet.” Henry rubbed her shoulders.

  “I won’t do it.” She folded her arms.

  Ike shrugged. “We don’t make these decisions or give you orders, Meg. But the aliens you had here last year are the people to be housed there until further notice. If you can think of another way to test your dust, it might spare people pain.”

  She sighed. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not your choice or your plan. When did I start killing the messenger?”

  Charlie hugged her. “You think of us personally now. More than friends or co-workers.” He kissed her neck softly.

  The heat in the room went up, and Henry moved in and kissed her mouth. “You’re brilliant. You can figure out a way to avoid hurting people and still get the info you need.”

  Ike wanted to jump in, but they’d have to stop. The flight was due to touch down any moment. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Meg. This might have more to do with the abduction increases. If one of the aliens volunteers to be your guinea pig, that’s different. They were fleeing their own people and crashed here. It’s in their interest to be able to defend against the Keelons, as well. They might have ideas or suggestions. So don’t jump to conclusions.”

  Meg leaned on Charlie then stepped toward Ike. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek that made him feel valued in a new way. “What was that for?”

  “You made me stop and think. I tend to go in one direction full-steam ahead, and while I’m usually right, sometimes I miss something in my hurry to find the answer.” She moved into his personal space and kissed him deeply. “How long do we have?”

  Ike’s phone went off, and he picked up it. “Sorry. The flight just landed. You stay here.” He kissed her hard on the lips one last time before forcing his brain to the work at hand. Four aliens were being treated like prisoners. True, Ike and his crew had been raised by the government and socialized as human. But according to all reports, these four men had never hurt a human or caused any problems.

  Their only offense was making one of Meg’s colleagues their mate. The government refused to allow it. The men were furious, and Ike had to sympathize. If anyone took him from Meg, he wouldn’t tolerate it. Ike and his crew had enough knowledge of Earth to run or make life hell for the military until they got their way. The new aliens had no advantages, but it’d been a year since they crashed. Ike hoped this would be a good thing and Meg’s fears wouldn’t come to pass.

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Ike and his guys returned with four aliens who looked as human as her men did. Meg recognized the four, and they smiled at her. They were dressed in white jumpsuits and triple handcuffed. Her blood pressure spiked at the restraints. Their strength was superior, but the government wanted to act as though they could control them. The men were also very thin and pale.

  “Are you guys okay?” she asked.

  Regon, their leader stepped forward. “We’re fine, Dr. Lyle. Don’t worry about us. Is Liz here?”

  The men were all looking around, and Meg felt bad.

  “I’m sorry. Liz is off for the Christmas holiday now. She went to visit her parents. But s
he’ll be back in about a week.”

  The men looked disappointed, but Regon nodded. “But she is coming back?”

  “Of course. She still works here. She’ll be thrilled to see you.” Meg glared at Ike. “Take those off.”

  “Once they’re inside,” Ike said.

  “Have they been exposed to some contamination?” she demanded.

  “Doubtful. We’ve been at another military facility. The flight was not long. But this has some privacy and that is appreciated. The walls aren’t clear.” Regon studied the enclosure.

  Meg frowned. The pod was private but small for four men. “Okay, well, it’s set up by a bathroom so you can freshen up and change. I imagine you’ll want to rest. I’ll check on you in a few hours and have some food brought down. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “Thank you.” Regon smiled slightly.

  Henry went inside with the men and removed the handcuffs.

  Meg glared at Ike. “How can you tolerate that?”

  “Orders. We don’t know the whole story.”

  “Well, thank you, but I know those men. A year ago, they were parked not far from there while they recovered from a crash. At that time, there was need to contain and observe them. They’re harmless men in love with Liz—oh God, Liz!” She grabbed her phone.

  “No!” Ike grabbed it.

  “I’m just going to tell her they’re back. She’ll be thrilled. The poor girl was heartbroken when they were taken away. I’m amazed she didn’t quit.” Meg couldn’t believe Ike was so anti-romance.

  “If she’d left her job, the odds of her ever seeing them again would have been absolutely zero. I love how impulsive and passionate you are. And how much you care about your friend.” Charlie hugged her. “Calm down, Meg. They’re not going anywhere. Let them settle in.”

  The scent of Charlie soothed her. Meg knew the caution was smart, but she hated to see aliens being punished because her government was cruel. “Those men are refugees, not prisoners. I know they needed to assimilate to our world and we had to be sure they weren’t out to hurt us, but don’t you think a year is enough?”

  Ike moved in. “The abductions have only increased. Maybe the aliens want those four back. Maybe they are part of a plan and don’t even know it. We don’t have enough information about them to conclude anything. We won’t make this any harder than it absolutely has to be. Whatever they want—to eat, movies or books, and exercise time in the gym—is all fine with me. I’m not trying to make it worse.”

  Meg frowned but nodded. “Just like prison.”

  Henry stepped out of the enclosure and closed the door behind him. “They’re doing okay. Fresh clothes, showers but they look exhausted. Let them sleep, Meg.”

  She hugged Henry then Ike. “I’m sorry. I hate this. I hate that I made something that could hurt them.”

  Ike held her, and she felt secure.

  “You aren’t out to hurt them but to protect them. They were running from something. Let’s just go in your office and calm down in private.” Ike walked her that way.

  Meg’s brain jumped in a hundred directions at once. As soon as she was in her office, she sat at her desk and got on her computer.

  “No emailing Liz!” Ike said.

  “I’m not. I’m emailing Commander Hastings. He emailed me with orders to keep them safe and quiet. Also, he wants me to test the dust weapon on them if it’s ready. That’s not going to happen.”

  “You’ve got some nerve emailing him while he’s off the base. At least, you got your orders,” Charlie said.

  “I’m just appealing to him for some humanitarian treatment for them. Less restraints and so on.” She paused then deleted the message. “No, I won’t. My lab, my call.”

  “What does that mean?” Henry asked.

  She smiled. “It means I’d rather beg forgiveness than ask permission. Once I’m sure they’re still on our side and love Liz, I’m leaving that door open. I won’t alert Liz because she should have her holiday with her family. But while they’re here, I don’t want them locked up all the time.”

  Ike shook his head. “You’re asking for trouble.”

  She smiled. “Tough. If you’re so worried, you can stay in my lab all the time and monitor the activity.”

  “I like that idea.” Henry leaned in and kissed her.

  Charlie slid in and nuzzled her neck.

  “Don’t start. We don’t have all the supplies.” She moaned.

  “Your desk isn’t equipped for group sex?” Ike asked.

  Meg turned and kissed Charlie. She wanted to enjoy her guys right now, but leaving wasn’t an option yet. “Sorry, no. We can keep it oral.”

  Charlie opened one of his pockets and dropped at least a dozen condoms on her desk. Henry did the same with lube packets.

  “I guess you’re set for a day or two.” Ike winked and lifted her up onto her desk.

  “This is weird.” She looked at the door. No one would come in.

  Still, Henry moved over and locked the door for her. She nodded and kicked off her flats when he returned and removed her lab coat.

  “I’ve never done this in my office—anything sexual, I mean. So there are no government monitors in here?” she asked.

  Charlie slid his hand under her skirt and pulled off her panties in one smooth motion. “Not that we know of.”

  Ike stepped in behind her and tugged off her dress.

  Meg reached for her bra. It wasn’t so much a necessity as a habit, but she liked the feel of lace.

  “Leave it on.” Ike leaned down and sucked her breasts through the silver lace then tugged down one cup to reveal her flesh.

  Henry was on her other breast quickly. They truly seemed to enjoy her form. Meg reclined on her desk and felt very wanton. When Charlie kissed her slit, Meg opened her eyes and the view of her office sent chills of naughty fun through her.

  Opening her legs, Meg handed him a condom. No time for a marathon. They could go all night! She needed relief fast and had to get back to work.

  Charlie opened his fly and rubbed his erection along her wet pussy for at least a minute. When he paused, she moaned for more. Finally, he wrapped his hard cock and slid into her deep. His confidence turned her on. When Charlie leaned in, she kissed his mouth then watched him share her breast with Henry. There was barely room for the two of them on her tit, but they shared well.

  Turning to Ike, she kissed him and wanted to suck his cock. Her brain felt like mush as Charlie fucked her. Heat spread deep in her and her climax happened fast and hard. She sat up more as her cunt squeezed him.

  But Charlie didn’t come, and he didn’t stay. Instead, he traded places with Ike. Ike put on protection and kept on his clothes.

  They’d planned this? She didn’t care! They were amazing. When Ike filled her, she lifted like a woman who couldn’t get enough.

  Charlie played with her breast but as she arched back, he offered his shaft to her. Meg went flat on her back and sucked Charlie’s member. Henry’s appeared on her other side and she’d found heaven in her office! Licking one erection and then the other, she let Ike grind her toward another orgasm while she indulged in beautiful cock hard for her. This could go to her head! In the past, she’d only ever been confident about her brains. Beauty was where she took the automatic backseat.

  Now, she felt like the sexiest woman in the world as she sucked one tight set of balls then changed to the other. Ike’s pace increased, and she moaned as her hips met him. He’d come in her. He had to! She tightened on him deliberately, knowing it would hasten her release and annoy him.

  “You stop it or you’ll be left horny and needy,” he threatened.

  “I’ve got toys.” She smiled and changed tactics, relaxing and letting him have his way.

  He gripped her hips and rocked her as she focused on sucking Charlie. His mouth was on her stomach as he fucked her mouth faster. When he reached down and rubbed her clit, Meg was a goner and came all over Ike’s cock as if it were her toy.
He kept right on thrusting until he came, buried inside her. Watching Ike’s face and having the sensation of him deep inside her extended Meg’s orgasm, and she wanted more.

  “That’s what I want to see.” Henry stepped back, and Meg had to let go of his cock.

  Charlie moved down and rubbed his erection over her breast as Ike claimed her mouth with his. She kissed him feverishly, but the feel of hot shaft on her breast made Meg shiver from head-to-toe. But what Henry was up to made her gasp.

  His cock was protected, but the lube had been unnecessary until now. The cool sensation on her asshole made her squirm. “Want it or do I go for your pussy?” he asked.

  Thus far, he hadn’t gone for her pussy of his own desire, and there was no doubt she wanted to prove her body could take all three at once. The very idea made her wet. But she wanted Henry to know she wasn’t just using him in her ass. “Take whatever you want. We’ll see if Charlie ever comes.”

  Taking the challenge, Charlie jumped up on the desk and straddled her chest, sliding his member between her tits.

  She laughed. “You’re not serious. I don’t have enough to do that.”

  “The hell you don’t!” Ike’s hand pressed to either side of her chest and brought her breasts together. He was so strong! He licked her tits playfully, but his grip stayed tight.

  Charlie’s cock pressed between her pointy nipples, and it felt like a kinky fantasy come true. Letting the men work, she watched Charlie. Henry slid into her a few inches, and she took a deep breath. Ike and Charlie’s play distracted her and she relaxed as Henry moved deeper and backed up while rubbing her clit.

  Groaning, Meg lifted her hips and pulled Ike’s head to her mouth. Kissing him was a delicious distraction until Charlie started fucking her tits faster. Meg and Ike watched as Charlie came all over her chest. It turned her on as she’d never imagined. Henry advanced, and she tightened and gasped until she could ease back.

  “You’re amazing. Relax. It’s not all or nothing now.” Ike rubbed the cum into her breasts.

  Charlie kissed her mouth and climbed off. He moved next to Henry and nudged his hand away. Charlie’s tongue worked her clit, and Meg arched again. She might not get it all, but she had to get off once more, or she’d never be able to focus on her work.