Salesmen on the Rise Read online

Page 4

  Jar nodded and thrust into Cam’s mouth. Zoe saw the hesitation in him. Jar wasn’t as aggressive as most of the men, but he wanted it just as much. Such a superb fit and she wanted more of them.

  The men fucked her, and she rocked to meet them. Then Don shifted, easing her back onto Owen’s cock. The pressure in her ass made her shudder. She held onto Don’s shoulders as she reoriented herself. Don thrust in and out of her pussy, rubbing her clit, as well.

  “Oh God, you guys.” She had a lovely view of the other two men.

  Jar’s cock was protected as he worked lube into Cam’s ass. The view of two muscled, professional men, who usually wore suits and would have women drooling over them in New Orleans, now getting ready to fuck each other made her insides quiver. The room grew hot as Jar tested Cam then slid balls deep in the blink of an eye.

  Cam rocked back hard, and Zoe stared at them as their lust took over. Fast and hot described their sex. Jar knew what he was doing, and it made her pussy tighten. He jerked Cam’s cock as they fucked. Curses and shouts urged her on as the two men came.

  The men inside of her picked up their pace, and Don kissed her. Owen twisted her nipples, and she realized they were holding back so she’d come first. They were first class men, and when Don grazed her clit with his fingers, she lost control.

  Bouncing on the cocks, she arched her back and twisted to feel every angle. “Don’t stop!” she said.

  They didn’t let up, fucking her through the orgasm. Owen pressed his mouth to her neck and whispered dirty things as he came. Don held her hips, and she looked him in the eye as he shuddered. Finally, he moaned and buried his face between her breasts.

  “I think that topped sex at work,” Owen said.

  “Damn right. Did you like what we did?” Cam moved over and kissed her mouth.

  “I loved all of it. You four are amazing.” She reached a hand toward Jar.

  Jar knelt next to her and kissed Owen before nipping at her shoulder.

  “I think we need to untangle and take a nap, at least,” Owen said.

  Zoe instantly felt terrible and huge. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m not a tiny thing.’

  “No.” Owen held her tight. “You’re perfect. Don is a ton of solid muscle.”

  She pushed at Don’s powerful shoulders. “That’s true.”

  The group unraveled then curled up again. The fit was tight and snuggling was required. That made it even better. They held her tight, their hard bodies pressed to her as she dozed off on Cam’s shoulder.

  * * * *

  Everyone remained asleep as Owen slipped from the bed. Zoe rolled into the open space, and Don stretched. Sexual needs had been satisfied fully. Now, Owen needed a midnight snack.

  Down in the kitchen, he pulled a bowl of pasta from the fridge and set it on the table. Grabbing a fork and some garlic bread, he listened to make sure all stayed quiet. He didn’t want to disturb anyone. Cam and Jar had connected, and the last thing anyone needed was Jar second guessing things in a sleepy state.

  As Owen relished his first bite of cold pasta—the sauce was always better to him cold—he heard a floorboard creak. Looking up, he saw Don grinning from the doorway.

  “Worked up an appetite?” Don opened the drawer and retrieved his own fork.

  “He made a ton.” Owen shrugged.

  Don sat down and dug in. “Why does Jar always cook like he’s feeding an army? Four men eat a lot, but we’re not fourteen.”

  Zoe entered quietly. “I wondered that myself. Jar is a bit skittish.”

  “Are they right behind you?” Owen asked.

  She shook her head. “Jar is curled up with Cam. Both are dead to the world. It’s cute.”

  Don smiled. “Good. Now, what’s Jar’s deal?”

  Zoe joined them at the table, nibbling garlic bread. Owen smiled at how easily she fit in.

  “Everyone’s family is different. Zoe had a single mom who never had time to cook from scratch. My parents got divorced when I was a kid, and I was shuffled back and forth all the time. Both my parents kept dating different people and never seemed to settle down. They used me to get back at each other and talked bad about the other person to my face.” Owen grabbed a couple of beers.

  “That sucks! I was the center of the universe.” Don smiled. “Only child. My grandfather died when I was seven and my grandmother came to live with us. My mom took a job at an office, just for extra money, and Granny spoiled me even more.”

  “Makes so much sense.” Zoe nodded.

  Don pulled her chair closer, and she set her feet on his lap. “What about Jar and all the food?”

  Owen took a deep breath and let it out. “You know his parents are extremely religious. He never said what religion exactly. Sometimes, deep in the bible belt, they have extreme ‘break off’ religions.”

  “Cults.” Don shook his head.’

  “No, not all of them. Jar’s sounds pretty standard. No drinking or dancing. He has a ton of siblings, so I think that explains the cooking. His parents found out he likes men and tried to save him or exorcise him. Then he left. In college, he tried women and liked them, but he couldn’t ditch men, either.” Owen paused for more pasta.

  “How did you two meet?” Zoe asked.

  “First sales job out of college. Instant chemistry. We both admitted to liking women, but he swore when he found the right person, he’d stop looking around.” Owen sipped his beer.

  “That’s you?” Don asked.

  Owen smiled at Don sitting there in nothing but boxers. That powerful chest and strong shoulders eager to please. “At first, we thought so. I still craved women. So did he. I think Jar has made his peace with a gay relationship. The group thing might take longer.”

  “I think he came to terms with his attraction to Cam tonight.” Don chuckled.

  “I’m glad you guys are doing stuff together, too. I love watching it.” Zoe flexed her feet in Don’s lap.

  “You don’t like being the center of attention?” Don challenged her.

  She grinned. “Of course, I love it. For one round, it’s incredible, but I like watching, too. It’s a private fantasy show all for me. If all the pressure and focus is on me all night long, it’d be exhausting.”

  “You can always sit back and watch.” Owen winked at her.

  “Kiss him,” she said.

  Owen tensed, and Don blushed. “What?”

  “You two liked screwing around with men. Your men did each other. Kiss him.” She leaned back in her chair.

  “See what you started?” Don chuckled.

  “You’re used to it. Only child and all. It must be hard growing up with all the eyes and focus on you. No privacy no escape.” Owen leaned in and kissed Don before the man had a chance to reply.

  The kiss started out playfully, but Don slowed it down. The intimacy deepened, and Owen felt Zoe’s eyes on them as he cupped the back of Don’s head. He delved into the power and the feel of a new man. A simple kiss triggered so much desire.

  Finally, Don pulled back. Owen lacked the will to break the connection. Taking a swig of beer, Owen glanced at Zoe. She looked totally engrossed.

  “That was hot. So, four guys all into each other. I’m amazed you have time for a girl.” She forked some cold pasta. “I was an only child but never felt like the center of the world. I always felt like an expense.”

  “Come on. I’m sure your mother loved you.” Don squeezed her foot.

  Zoe nodded. “She did. Very much. But my dad bailed on her when I was young. Never sent money or visited. Nothing. She had to do it all on her own. She always said ‘never depend on a man for anything. They’ll let you down, and you’ll have to do it alone anyway. It’ll be harder after they’d had their fun and spent your money’.”

  “So she’s a Mary Poppins type, sunny and positive.” Owen stabbed the pasta with a smile on his face. “Not all men are bad.”

  “I know, and my mother meant well. She didn’t want me to make the same mistakes she did. Bad taste in
men. She’d tell me that kids were great but to plan to raise them alone and make sure you have a respectable career. A good job is worth more than any man.”

  “You’ve done that. The marketing department hasn’t been the same since you arrived,” Don replied.

  “Thanks. Unfortunately, my mother had a type. She attracted the wrong men, over and over. I don’t know why. It sort of proved her points.” Zoe shrugged.

  “Where’s your mom now?” Owen asked.

  “Working. She took some classes and went into a medical area when I went off to college. Radiology, I think, but she’s the type who changes careers and plays the lotto. All my life, she kept waiting for her big break to erase all of her troubles,” she said.

  “And I’ll bet you’ve never played the lottery once,” Don replied.

  She shook her head. “Never. I worked hard. I repaid my student loans right away. Hell, I shared an apartment with three other women to save money. If the economy hadn’t gone to hell, who knows where I’d be right now?”

  Owen smiled. “We’re glad you’re here. There are worse places than Lucky Springs.”

  “I know. It’s just hard when you’ve worked so hard at something, built a name for yourself, and wham! it’s taken away. You’re downsized, and there goes your savings. I don’t want my career to be what my mother had with men. A big black hole of bad choices.” She stared at the table.

  Don tugged her from her chair and into his lap. “That’s not going to happen. One setback won’t kill your entire career.”

  Owen leaned forward and kissed her. “The whole economy got kicked. Not just you. You’re on top now. Good job and a low cost of living town. We’ll make a big splash at the show in New Orleans, and you’ll be right there with us.”

  She kissed Don then Owen. Her lips felt more relaxed. “I hope so. There aren’t many options in a small town like this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to have a job, but my mother always preferred big cities. More options. More anonymity.”

  “You won’t have that here. But Lucky Springs has other advantages.” Don hugged her tight.

  “You worked elsewhere after college?” she asked Don.

  He nodded. “Sure, I needed to get broader sales experience. That’s the great thing about a small town. When the guys Cam and I knew from high school bought the old factory, they got in touch. They brought in people who knew the town and loved it. Plenty of us had gone away and gotten degrees and other training. They lured us back.”

  “We got hired without Lucky Springs connections,” Owen said.

  Don smiled. “Sure, now that it’s expanding even more. They wanted people who could handle the small town and not run for the cities after a month or two.”

  “I do miss the mall.” She leaned back on Don.

  “Don’t worry about shopping. I like you better naked.” Owen kissed her neck.

  “You’re not going to run away from Lucky Springs, are you?” Don asked.

  Owen’s stomach sank. The question had crossed his mind as well, but he’d never come out and asked it. Leave it to blunt Don to run right into it.

  “Not with this sort of entertainment. Great sex and food.” She yawned. “I can always shop online.”

  Owen sighed. “In big cities, it’d be pretty crazy to jump into bed with four men.”

  Zoe lifted a shoulder. “Well, there are swingers clubs with security and background checks. Not that I’ve ever gone to one of them, but obviously, with strangers you’d have to take measures to be safe. I’ve had my share of one-night stands, but the group thing is truly different.”

  “Good different,” Don added.

  “Great different. But yes, if I didn’t work with you guys for a while and know Ash who knew Cam and Don from high school, I’m not sure I could’ve jumped into it so willingly. Plus Ash is in her own little group family thing.”

  “We made sure we knew you for a while before we tried to get you into bed.” Owen wanted her to know they hadn’t picked her randomly or out of convenience. However, he sensed too much sentiment might scare her away.

  “Group stuff isn’t for everyone. I think Jar will relax and totally love it. Just takes a little time.” Don winked at Owen and kissed the back of Zoe’s neck.

  Owen leaned over and kissed Don’s mouth before nipping Zoe’s shoulder. “You’re right. We’ve got to take the group thing slow and steady. Lots of fun and honesty. We should get back to bed before those two think they can have the whole thing.”

  “Sounds good. I need to actually sleep.” Zoe slid from Don’s lap and tossed the beer bottles in the recycling bin. The guys wrapped up the food and put it away.

  Owen wondered if Zoe felt how natural it was. How easy it all fit together, but it was too soon to talk about the future and all the things he wanted. He felt she was the one, and a good salesman trusted his gut.

  Chapter Four

  Zoe made it through the rest of the week with only casual connections at work with her guys. The automatic reference to her guys came from Lizzie and Crystal. Zoe refused to accept the label even if it had slipped into her thoughts.

  Now, on a lazy Saturday morning, Zoe paced the house in frustration, and she didn’t know why.

  Crystal and Lizzie had tagged along with Ash and her guys to go to some festival along Main Street. They’d invited Zoe, but it had felt wrong this time. Not for the other girls, but for her. The fall festival sounded so Mayberry-esque. Lucky Springs was too good to be true. It couldn’t be real. Nothing was that glorious except in dreams.

  Just like her guys.

  She’d surfed online but resisted impulse shopping. That wouldn’t make her feel better. Food wouldn’t help either. Zoe had consumed her healthy cereal and nibbled a granola bar, but there was no satisfaction. Maybe it’d be worth a two-hour drive just to walk through a mall. She needed to get out but where?

  In the back of her mind, she knew where she wanted to be, but she ignored that option, again and again. If she encouraged them too much, she’d screw it all up. Deep down, she knew she could hurt those great guys. Jar already lacked confidence in the group thing. Owen refused to come out and say it, but she sensed he had doubts it’d work. She saw how his eyes darted. The men all wanted it to work, and Zoe hated being the bad guy. Keeping it casual and slow was smart.

  She’d dumped enough men in her life. Some were clingy, some were leeches and some were losers masquerading as winners. These guys were genuine, and if it didn’t work, they’d be hurt and she’d end up being the bitch. How could it work? The only thing on the social agenda all weekend in Lucky Springs was a fall festival and a movie showing on the side of an old barn. How could she be content here?

  Grabbing her Smartphone, she checked her email and found nothing. She’d sent a message to her headhunter yesterday looking for an update on job prospects. It was the weekend, so she didn’t expect a response until Monday, but she needed to do something or she’d go mad!

  Road trip? DVD marathon of Sex and the City? Or the festival?

  She texted Cam about their earlier invitation to the festival and pushed away the embarrassment of wanting their attention. It wasn’t the allure of Main Street fun in Lucky Springs. She missed them.

  If they didn’t text her back, she’d go jogging then spend the day trolling for other jobs online with a DVD marathon playing in the background. The plan felt good. She didn’t need men to entertain her or make her feel special. They did, but she’d be just fine on her own!

  She was headed into her bedroom to pick out appropriate jogging attire when her phone beeped. Checking it casually, she felt a flutter of excitement. The guys would be there to pick her up in twenty minutes. No doubt, she’d be headed for the fest, but with four men of her own, she wouldn’t be tagging along with anyone else. When she was new to Lucky Springs, she hadn’t minded. Ash knew everyone and had the inside info. Now, Zoe needed to spread her wings and have a little fun with the men devoted to her.

  With jogging long forgotten, she sl
id on a gauzy white bra and panties. Black jeans and a casual T-shirt with winding green ivy all over it seemed just right. After slipping on sandals plus touching up her makeup, she was ready to go.

  It would’ve taken an hour to get ready for a big date, even just back in Shreveport. But here, natural beauty ruled and the only people who overdid makeup were the few drag queens she’d spotted in one of the bars.

  The knock on the front door sparked excitement in Zoe. She wanted to run to answer, but she walked calmly. She dabbed a little perfume on her neck and grabbed her purse before opening the door.

  Cam and Don stood there. “Come on. You don’t want to miss your first fall festival.”

  She kissed them each on the cheek and locked up the house. Sliding into the backseat of their SUV, she hugged Owen and leaned over to kiss Jar. They all made her feel special, and it wouldn’t be the same without them.

  “Thanks for taking me out. It gets a little dull here.”

  “We can keep you out late. They’re showing My Big Fat Greek Wedding on the side of the old barn tonight,” Don said.

  “The latest and greatest.” Zoe chuckled.

  “It’s free and something to do. Of course, we can keep you busy at our place all night with some very X-rated fun. We can start now if you’d rather ditch the fest.” Cam started the SUV.

  Jar frowned. “No, let’s be social. It’s not like all we want is sex.”

  “I know. I texted you guys to get out not to get naked.” Zoe smiled. Sex alone wasn’t enough. She liked these guys. Normally, she could find the flaws quickly in the men she dated, which accounted for her turnover. Her instincts for what customers wanted translated to men, and so far, these men were great. The fear that she’d screw up something good started to spread, but Owen wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and the chill went away for now. They could be friends.

  “We’ll show you the best of the fest and then take you home for a quiet night of movies on the couch. I don’t like the lack of connection either, so I’ve got the best cable package and streaming options,” Owen said.

  “Movie geek,” Don teased.