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Believing in Dreamland Page 5
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Page 5
Using her tracker phone, she found his office and heard voices. She knocked then stepped back when the door swung open.
“What is it?” Hastings asked.
“I had a dream, and I think it’s real this time. The aliens are after something.” Sammie walked in and saw a slim redhead sitting at the table. “Were you abducted, too?”
“A while back. You must be the Air Force chick. I’m Bonnie. Don’t mind Dad. He’s never learned human people skills,” she smiled.
“My people skills are fit for the military. What can I do for you, Ms. Montgomery?” He closed the door.
“You don’t want to hear about my dream?” She sat down next to the other woman.
Hastings sighed. “We had the memory experts in already. I know they said something might come up, but why didn’t they find it?”
“Who knows? She was trained by the Air Force to observe things under all sort of atmospheric conditions up in the air. Don’t you also train military people to resist interrogations? Name, rank and number or whatever?” Bonnie asked.
“That’s true. We don’t train our people to keep secrets from us, however,” Hastings replied.
“Because alien abduction is so very routine, those concepts would never mingle or mix up. Just like being a POW. Abduction is freaky, fast and blurry. Sometimes kinky. What’s the harm in listening to the dream?” Bonnie shot back.
Sammie raised an eyebrow. This woman was clearly not in the military of any kind. “Who are you?”
“Former abductee. Current morale officer, of sorts. We were discussing your situation. Oh, and he’s my father so don’t worry. I’ll give him crap all day long.” She smiled.
That made sense. “Well, I can tell you my dream. At least, someone will take me seriously.”
“I’ll listen, but dreams don’t always mean something.” Hastings stared at Sammie.
She felt the scrutiny. “I was in my aircraft, and the beam had the ship. I felt frozen, but once I adjusted, things were just moving very slowly. Like I was suspended somehow. Or they were bending time. I saw a door on the alien vessel open. It was large enough to pull the ship inside.”
“Mason reported something similar. An opening compartment. We’re trying to determine if that’s a viable option for the delivery of our chemical weapon.” Hastings nodded.
Sammie took a deep break. Some confirmation was better than another trip to the memory doctor. “Then the light changed a bit. I felt hot and heard some words flashing in my brain. Not heard… Saw, maybe. I’m not sure how it happened, but they were clear.”
“Don’t worry about the how. They plant false memories and can change your perception of time.” Bonnie waved off her fears.
“I heard them say, ‘No. She’s not one. Return her. Let them go. Not a hybrid’.” Sammie shrugged. “A hybrid? How could I be a hybrid? The men crashed as kids. Now, they’re adults, but at best, any hybrid would be ten years old. Are there a lot more aliens among us?”
Bonnie looked at her Dad then she took a deep breath. “Some. Yes. Some aliens have fled. Usually, the military didn’t allow adults to live—at least, not before my Dad’s time. But if they’re looking for hybrids, it’s a huge clue.”
“Stop right there.” Hastings looked Sammie dead in the eye. “Did Liz or Meg talk to you about this topic of hybrids?”
“No,” Sammie replied.
“None of your men? Has anyone here mentioned hybrids to you?” he demanded.
Sammie held her ground. “Not hybrids. The men mentioned that their culture matched groups of warrior men with women because they were bred for war. Bred for male warriors. Population control gone wrong. But no, no one has said the word hybrid since I’ve been here unless they were talking about cars. Is this real?”
“It is. I don’t like it.” Hastings shook his head.
“Are there hybrids? Are they really a threat to the aliens?” Sammie still didn’t understand the point of all these abductions.
“There are hybrids. Not many,” Bonnie said.
“They aren’t a threat to the aliens, but clearly the aliens see this as humans doing their biological research for them. They must need more women.” Hastings leaned back in his chair and tapped his chin.
“So why put us back? If they need women to have more children or sexually keep their men satisfied, why return female abductees? Are we rejected somehow?” Sammie couldn’t believe she was having this conversation! After all of her training and professionalism, it was as if she were in a sci-fi movie.
“No, it’s not that. Reports are the Keelon home planet is undergoing a change. Their temperature is fluctuating. Without the skin adaptability, human women wouldn’t survive the atmosphere. They might be building a containment unit for women. Or a large ship that can orbit indefinitely. It all depends how their wars are going.” Hastings frowned.
Sammie remembered the men saying they were trained warriors. “How do you know about the atmosphere?” Sammie asked.
“We have four aliens that crashed more recently. In the last few years, the wars have gone badly for the Keelons. If their world is based on war and taking from others, their resources might be limited. Their world might have sustained real damage. Food and water taken. They have shields around the planet that might have been breached, causing who knows what to get it.” Hastings paced the room.
“We need those shields.” Bonnie rolled her eyes. “Keep out the aliens.”
“Our technology isn’t a match for their. We know that much,” Hastings said.
“But we have a weapon? A chemical one? If we can deliver it through that opening, we might have a chance to getting rid of them.” Sammie tried to look at the potential.
“Maybe. If we can lure them into abducting someone we choose.”
“I don’t get it. If they have all these wars, aren’t there women nearby. If they win, can’t they take those women? Why come all the way out here?” Bonnie asked.
“Never leave a man behind,” Sammie offered. “If we know they exist, we can try to find them. Defeat them. Whether people ran away or crashed on exploration missions, we have some of their people here. The aliens seem to prefer earth. It might explain why the Keelon abductions are random, and they’re not waging full-on war.” She understood why the aliens weren’t giving up, but it seemed to be splitting their efforts and resources.
Hastings nodded. “I need to review our options and speak with others. You two should get some sleep. There will be a meeting in the morning about all of this. Sammie, I’d like you and your men to join us.”
“Of course. Even if we’re not officially in the Air Force, we want to help.” She left and tried to put the situation all out of her mind so she could sleep peacefully this round.
* * * *
Sitting at the meeting, Mason was irked that Sammie hadn’t woken the men with her revelation. He understood she’d been in a sleep haze, but they were still a group. They needed to work together. Being removed from the military roles they’d earned wasn’t easy on any of them. However, as their leader, Mason hated to admit he was taking it the hardest—not the sexual teasing or play but really having no clearly defined purpose. He could lead. Every group had a leader and the men still looked at him that way from their Keelon training. Sammie would join in for the right goals, but they had no mission now. There was no specific goal. He hoped this meeting would finally give them an indication of what the brass at Dreamland would do.
Hastings took center stage in the room packed with alien and human men and some human women.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. We’ve had a development in the information from our most recent military abduction. It seems hybrids are the focus of the recent scan and drop scenarios. We’re still seeing an uptick in abductions, but they seem to be one a night at most. The women are being returned without injury. We’re analyzing the data about the women’s proximity to groups of aliens living on earth.”
“Is there any centralization of
the abductions?” asked one man.
“No, they’re scattered across the country. No hybrids have been taken, so that’s a good thing. It means the Keelons clearly need up-close scans to verify the DNA. They may believe there are many more hybrids that really exist,” Hastings replied.
Mason raised his hand. “Are the hybrids protected?”
Hastings cleared his throat. “In as much as we are able, yes. All hybrids have been taken to secure locations with defensive capabilities. Obviously, the aliens have some superior technologies, but we’ve got a weapon on deck. If we can use it, I think we’ll be able to stop the assault, take their ship and hopefully send a message that earth isn’t worth the struggle.”
“What’s the weapon?” Sammie asked.
“Right now, that’s classified. We’re working on the best delivery methods. Attack options and so on. You’ll be advised of your roles when we’re ready to make the attack and not before. We appreciate all of your patience, information and willingness to die in order to protect our planet. We’re not rushing into this. We want to make our stand once and be as well prepared as possible.” Hastings looked out at the crowd. “Dismissed.”
Mason and the men chatted with other alien males, an opportunity that was rare for them. Now, it would be an everyday occurrence and the men were bonding. Still, Mason kept one eye on Sammie as she chatted with the doctor who’d cleared them, a woman in glasses Mason didn’t know and Hastings’ daughter. Sammie’s posture was a little too straight and tight.
When the conversation broke up, Sammie joined her guys and Mason nodded. “What’s wrong with Liz?”
“Apparently, everyone already knows. We’re just new. She’s carrying a hybrid. Plus they have another one here—Bonnie’s half sister. I want to meet her, but that seems harder than doing a flyby at the White House.” Sammie’s face was contorted in concern.
“Don’t worry. There’s a weapon. There’s a way to deliver it. I’m sure they’re working on more options.” Mason put an arm around her.
“The second they said I wasn’t a hybrid, the door snapped shut. The opportunity is small. There’s a very tight window to deliver the weapon. And who knows if a ship can send it inside while in that beam?” Sammie rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know how the hell they’re going to pull this off.”
“But we’ll have to. There’s always a way.” Jonah smiled.
She hugged them all. “Why didn’t they take you three?”
“What?” Dorian asked.
“The other abductions sound as if they focused on the female. This time, they had three aliens right there. In their beam. Why not keep you? Reintegrate you into their warrior army? Or at least interrogate you about what we know?” Sammie shook her head. “Why let you go?”
Mason agreed that it was a very good question. “I don’t think they’re the least bit afraid of earth. Keelons see the planet as a potential source to pull resources from. Food, water, and women. Not a threat. If all they want is hybrids and females, they don’t care about us. We’d be more men to feed and keep in line. Sometimes the warrior life is expensive and hard to maintain.”
“They must’ve hit a tipping point by now. So many men, not enough women. They don’t want to add to the problem. They need proof that mating with a human can produce genetically viable offspring with Keelon traits or why bother taking human women?” Jonah wondered aloud. “Maybe mixing a hybrid baby using an abductee’s egg failed.”
“It’s all speculation. We need to focus on what we can do. Right now, it’s rest up, keep up the exercise routine so we’re in top condition and continue bonding as a group.” Dorian headed back toward their quarters.
Mason nodded to Sammie. It was amazing to see the sympathetic woman no longer hiding behind the soldier. She simply had to find her balance in this new life, though it was uncertain and potentially much more dangerous.
Chapter Six
Sammie rested on the couch in their quarters. The situation of fighting an alien force felt like too much. This wasn’t a small target. Her team wasn’t simply testing new military aircraft anymore. This was huge. The pressure wasn’t on her, but she felt a need to be part of the solution somehow.
The men were talking about the aircraft they’d flown on the day it all changed for the four of them. No doubt Dreamland had dissected the planes and would use them however they could. Everyone in Dreamland seemed so at ease with everything up in the air. Then again, her men had crash landed here as small children. Uncertainty and change must feel normal to them.
“Do you think Liz is crazy?” she asked.
“What?” Jonah moved to stand over her. “Why?”
“Having an alien’s baby. If hybrids are so rare, why would she do it?” Sammie tried to wrap her mind around it. She’d never planned on having kids. Independence and success meant more to her. Moving around so much, she didn’t even have a best friend from growing up. What she had with her guys was the deepest relationship she’d ever been in. If they weren’t military, she sure as hell couldn’t handle this. They understood her. Putting kids through it, she couldn’t imagine that.
“You’re over-thinking things, Sammie. People in love want to have families.” Mason stood next to Jonah.
“I know. I never planned on having any because I couldn’t leave a child while I was deployed overseas. I was left behind when I was a child. I just couldn’t.” She looked up at them.
“We’re not really up for those assignments anymore, are we?” Dorian leaned down and kissed her softly.
“No,” she admitted. It scared her in a way. “A hybrid though. That’s ten times more complicated than just having a human baby.”
“I’m sure Liz will love her baby and protect it no matter what happens.” Jonah ran his hand along her calf.
She relaxed and felt the distractions starting. “Of course, she’ll love her baby. I just can’t believe she’d risk getting pregnant in this situation. Once it’s over, then they could think about it.”
Mason smiled. “Nothing is one-hundred-percent preventative. You can be on the pill. We can use condoms every time. It could still happen.”
Sammie grinned as she planned. Not all sex could result in a baby. Pushing her jeans and panties down, she studied her men to see if anyone was hard yet. She sat up and removed her top and bra. Naked, she knelt in front of the three. Freeing their cocks from their pants, she worked one in each hand as she sucked the third. “Can’t happen like this.”
“You’re that determined not to reproduce?” Dorian chuckled.
Batting their balls, she smiled up at them. “Not until I’m sure no one will try to take my kids away. Afterward, if we’re safe then we can talk. Apparently, men feel such a need to procreate, whether human or alien.”
She sucked Jonah’s cock down to the base and moaned. He was hard and pulled back to keep the play going. Sammie sucked Dorian as far as she could.
“Sex isn’t just for fun. There is a biological need to reproduce.” Mason leaned down and fingered her pussy.
“It’s just fun for now.” Sammie sucked his sac.
Dorian picked her up and laid her flat on her back on the bed. Fingers teased her cunt, dipping inside and working her folds until she was slick. She didn’t care what they did to her; she sucked two cocks into her mouth and moaned when Dorian member pressed between her breasts. He squeezed her flesh tight around his thick shaft and thrust.
“Don’t you want us to fuck you?” Jonah asked.
“You think I don’t like this?” She sucked his cock until he thrust into her mouth. Men didn’t seem to understand women held the power when it came to things like this. She could make them come fast or let it last.
“We love it. But you’re pretty damn wet.” Mason let his soaked finger trail down her thigh.
“I like what I’m doing. You’ll return the favor. Maybe I’ll go buy a bunch of sex toys tomorrow? Dreamland stores have everything.” She slid two fingers behind Mason’s sac and worked his tend
er spot.
His hips snapped as she sucked the tip of his cock until he grunted. Grabbing his cock, she aimed him as best she could at her breasts. The cream added to Dorian’s efforts, and it felt so good. She had control in servicing them. Maybe, they’d never understand, but her pussy throbbed at the play.
Without a word, Mason stretched out next to her. His tongue suddenly commanded her pussy, and she spread her legs, tilting her pelvis so he could do anything he wanted. He ate her pussy with singular focus.
Dorian rubbed the cum into her chest as he fucked slowly. She sucked Jonah, massaging his full balls. He could come now if he wanted to. The hot and sensitive man held out. If he wanted to fuck her pussy, she wouldn’t let him. Not right now.
“Fuck my mouth,” she said.
A gentleman like Jonah couldn’t deny her request. He was so gentle at first that she had to go all the way down to his balls. Finally, he found his groove and fucked her as her tongue pressed to encourage him. Moaning to vibrate his cock, she knew he was close. His cum filled her mouth as he shouted out and tried to hold back.
Sucking him clean, she kissed along his shaft. Mason had her on edge, but she could make them work for her orgasm. They needed a challenge. “Two down and I haven’t gotten off yet.”
Jonah took the challenged and joined Mason. More fingers and two tongues made her regret the taunting, but only a little. She fucked their fingers and watched Dorian slid his member along her chest with no urgency at all. The size of him turned her on, and he knew it. The smug bastard! No way could she swallow all of him, but she could still suck him off.
Grabbing his cock, she looked him straight in the eye. He followed her gentle tug. When she sucked the tip, he thrust to her. Sammie smiled. He was turned on. In control or not, he wanted to get off on her.
“I won’t hurt you. Gagging women doesn’t turn me on,” Dorian said softly.