Joining the Party Read online

Page 6

  “Really. No face or cock, but all of the rest is fair game with you.” He lifted into wet pussy.

  “Those shots I get to keep.” She kissed him hard as her hips sped up, slamming down on his like she’d never get him again.

  “All yours. Darlin’, I’m not going anywhere.” He rubbed her clit, and she froze as the climax tore through her.

  Dom felt every shudder and spasm. He needed to slow her down a bit. Rolling her on his back, he took over. “My turn.”

  “Hard,” she whispered with a hint of pleading.

  “Oh yeah.” He settled between her soft thighs. They would make some hot pictures, and he’d be so proud of her showing the positive side of their corner of the world. But for now, he had a horny woman to satisfy.

  Her arms curled around his neck and those nails dug into his back for added incentive. “You like sharing me don’t you? Watching them fuck me?” she taunted him.

  Thrusting hard, he felt her cunt tighten on him. “Hell, yes. I’m not a selfish bastard. You’re too hot and horny for one man.”

  Cassie lifted, and her breath caught. He knew her mini-climax by now and let her dwell in it before filling her hard again. Her sweet groans and urging fingers drove him. He’d share her. For now, she’d truly be his. That was all he wanted in the world.

  “Cassie!” he screamed as the release took him. She shouted in her own orgasm and clutched to him.

  Chapter Five

  Officially, the party started in fifteen minutes. Cassie couldn’t get her eyes off the clock on the wall. Monty was setting up refreshments in the kitchen. The coffee table and end tables were decked out with condoms and individual lube packets while Alex added more to the kitchen and dining room tables. Clearly, the party sprawled.

  Not sure what to wear, she’d opted for jeans and a gray T-shirt. The guys were all dressed normally. It didn’t look like everyone was expecting a sex party.

  “Doing okay?” Dom asked.

  She nodded. “I know all these people. Have no idea why I’m so nervous. I’m not doing anything tonight.”

  Dom wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her neck. “Maybe you’re afraid you’ll like it? Don’t worry. I’m sure people will be thrilled to see you.”

  The doorbell rang, and Alex was there first. Cassie stayed behind in the living room which flowed to the kitchen in one direction and out to the back porch in the other. She’d double-checked all the windows were closed tight.

  Voices and footsteps headed her way, and Dom released her to greet their first guests. Kitty and Violet Ann along with Neil—the trio that had surprised Cassie so much. Of course, it had to be them. Two of her good friends were in a lesbian and bisexual whatever and basically sharing a husband.

  But who was Cassie to talk? As she reflected and put a smile on her face, Cassie realized that it wasn’t the three-way part that bugged her. She was in a four or five-way at times. It was the fact that her friends were lovers, and she’d never even suspected it back in high school. If she’d misread her friends back then, could be she misreading what was developing with her guys now?

  Kitty was in a baby doll dress—she’d never had any fashion sense! Violet Ann was in a sundress that looked good on her. Cassie checked—no panty lines. Why bother? Their man was in a polo shirt and cargo pants.

  “Cassie, honey, it’s so good to see you! We were wondering why these nice, gorgeous men were taking so long inviting you along.” Kitty hugged Cassie.

  Then Violet Ann stepped up for a hug. “It’s been so long.”

  Neil just nodded. “Hi, Cassie.”

  “Hi. Thanks. I never knew things got so wild in our little town. I kept going away for work, and adventure was right here.” She eased back from the hugs.

  Ham gave Cassie a squeeze on the shoulder. “We had to pin her down.”

  “I needed a break from all the travel.” Cassie shrugged. After what she’d discovered in this house, she couldn’t imagine being tempted away.

  “Well the party is a huge dose of fun. Let’s all stress and any tension just disappear.” Violet Ann grinned.

  “So how long have you three been…?” Cassie didn’t quite know the lingo.

  “The two of us, junior high. Neil came in the mix in high school. It became permanent after college. It just works for us.”

  “At least, now I know why I stopped getting invited to your sleepovers.” Cassie had to say it. Junior High had been confusing between friend shifts and Alex flirting. Things were clear now.

  “If we’d thought you were into it, we’d have included you. But you were boy crazy.” Kitty glanced over at Dom and Alex chatting with other guests. “Guess that’s still the case.”

  Cassie’s face burned. “Men, yes, not into the girls.”

  “All of the Meriwether men?” Violet Ann asked.

  Cassie tried to stay calm, but she felt as if her face were on fire. “We’ll see how it goes. Ham is into some stuff I’m not.” They’d certainly seen it so Cassie wasn’t sharing any secrets.

  “Oh yes, he’ll have to find a kinkier girl than our Cassie. But three men should be plenty. At least, I’d think. Sweet set up. Alex and Monty are hot together but know how to please a girl. We’d offer to share Neil, but we only do that if you play with us, too.” Kitty winked.

  “I’m not into that. Thanks, though. I’m just watching tonight.” Cassie took a half step back.

  “Really?” Violet Ann’s eyes grew wider. “Rumor is you’ve been over here every night since the last party. Two weeks straight.”

  “People know?” Cassie swallowed hard.

  “Of course. Look a party is a party. People can think it’s a poker party or game night or whatever. Invitation only. But when you’re sleeping over…people talk.” Kitty nodded.

  “People think you’re dating Dom. I mean obviously they wouldn’t think you’re with Monty and Alex unless they’ve been to a party. And Ham has been on his normal schedule at the fire station so it’s not likely him,” Neil added.

  “Oh God, now I remember why I hate small towns.” Cassie rubbed her temples.

  “What? You’re not with Dom? Come on. Sure, we know it’s Alex and Monty too, but we all keep each other’s secrets. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’ll be the envy of almost every woman here. But those four needed the right woman. I’ve never seen them so laid back at a party,” Violet Ann said.

  Cassie looked over, and the four guys seemed totally at ease. Maybe she did that? They’d certainly made her comfortable and happy.

  “Looks like we’re starting, ladies. No time like the present.” Neil pointed at Alex and Monty making out on the couch.

  “We’ll do lunch,” Kitty said to Cassie then dashed off to take the loveseat with her two partners.

  Cassie watched them. The girls were totally into each other, and the men enjoyed looking. Dom was right. It felt much less intimidating being in the house. Looking around casually, she spotted Ham undressing one of his paddle friends. A girl with a bubble of an ass—he’d be occupied. Alex and Monty were already freeing each other’s cocks.

  Finally, her eyes settled on Dom, but he had a girl and her hubby trying to coax him into something. Cassie read body language well—photographer’s skill—and Dom redirected them to the group on the loveseat. Then he headed her way.

  “So far so good?” He sat in an armchair and pulled her into his lap.

  “Catching up with old friends. Lots of people.” She looked beyond her men, and there were several groups. Four couples, more trios. It felt good to be with Dom. “You didn’t want to join them?”

  “I’m watching out for the newbie tonight.” He kissed her neck.

  “Don’t start. I’m not getting naked here,” she said.

  “I can control myself.” Dom looked around. “But no one would notice. The voyeurs work early, and now, they’re pulled in. Those who want to be seen start early with the sex. Like Monty and Alex.”

  He kissed her mouth and didn’t ease up u
ntil she was kissing him back. She tried it on, kissing in front of others. One man, it was nothing. They all thought she was with him anyway. The whole town did, and no one had said a word. But if she did all four of her guys, would they watch?

  Dom’s hands slid under her shirt, and Cassie pulled away from him. “I’m just here to watch, and you’re distracting me. I’m not stopping you from getting whatever you want out there.” She waved at the group.

  Her eyes got taken in. A few feet away, a woman shouted in orgasm while moans and groans came from all sides. Slaps from Ham rang out over the voices moaning, begging and coming. Cassie shifted in Dom’s lap. Her cunt was into the party even if her brain wasn’t willing to give in. The wetness made her even more aware of the hard, sexy men holding her.

  But he hadn’t said if he wanted to join those other women, fuck every girl here. He could. Dom probably had and wanted to again. His cock said everything she needed to know, but she held her ground. This wasn’t offensive or upsetting. It felt normal, and watching got her ready.

  “How long does it go?” she asked softly.

  “An hour or so. There’s a natural break of sorts. Some drinks and talk. Then another two hours of fun. By ten, most people will leave. By midnight, everyone goes home. You’re staying.”

  “You’ll be exhausted by then. You won’t need me.” Like she’d do that after he’d been with other girls? She couldn’t. Her body argued, but her brain won. She had full faith in her willpower tonight.

  “Never too tired for you.” He grinned and pulled her back for a kiss.

  That was sweet, and yet not the answer she really needed to hear. Instead, she stood. “I need some fresh air.” Let him fuck who he wanted without Cassie watching. See if he got off as much. She couldn’t sit there and enjoy it. Maybe it made her a hypocrite or a prude. She couldn’t just jump on any man there and not feel as if she were betraying the Meriwether men.

  In the carport, she leaned on the wall and took a deep breath. The sound of the door closing shook her. Cassie didn’t need to look up to know who it was. Dom had followed her.

  Women frequently confused Dom, but he wasn’t letting this one go without a fight. “What’s wrong? You seemed to be enjoying it.” He rubbed her shoulders then slid his hands down to her hard nipples poking through the cotton to prove it.

  She slapped his hands away. “Watching is one thing but, go ahead, do what you want. I can’t watch that.”

  “Watch what exactly?” He took a step closer.

  “You with other women. I’m sorry that probably puts a damper on all the fun, but I can’t help it. I don’t need different men every month. I can’t share you like that and go back to us the rest of the month. I’m not cut out for that sort of thing. You don’t need to babysit me or hold my hand. It’s my thing. I’m a grown up.”

  “So if it was me and Ham screwing you in there in front of people. That’s okay?”

  She shivered. “I’m not ready for that, but it’s…” She nodded rather than verbalize an answer.

  “But you don’t want me with other women?”

  “I don’t have any right to put limits on you. I know that. It’s stupid and crazy. I don’t care if Ham is into spanking and fucking random girls. Monty and Alex… Well, okay, maybe it’d bother me a little that they chose another woman over me, but they’re a couple. They had their own thing before. They need to make their own rules.”

  “They’re yours, too. They’re crazy about you.” Dom pulled her in. “So you don’t want to share me?”

  She wanted to run. He saw it in her eyes. It was too fast to get emotional and possessive, but they both felt it.

  Her eyes glistened with the start of tears. “No, I don’t want you with any other women. And I don’t want any of those guys in there. Expect the ones related to you. And Alex.”

  “Alex is just like a brother to me. It’s okay.” He wiped a tear away. “Why do you think I stuck so close to you? It kept the other guys away.”

  “Protecting the newbie.” She nodded.

  “No, keeping you for myself.” Dom kissed her. No other man would touch her but him and his family. “I won’t touch another woman, not as long as you’re with us. And you’ll keep to the men of this house. Deal?”

  She nodded and finally smiled.

  It was like sunshine burst in even as the sun set. “Want to go back in?” he asked.

  She shook her head and pushed her jeans down. No panties. Dom’s cock throbbed. Cassie always wore demure panties no one would be ashamed to let a doctor see. Clean and neutral colors that would make any grandma proud.

  “Forgot something?”

  She shrugged. “What’s the point? They’re just another layer to take off at a sex party. I figured I’d get you in the end. Or the seam of my jeans would feel a lot better.”

  Dom kissed her as her eager hands worked to free his cock. The chemistry was electric as she clung to him, one hand on his erection, encouraging him, and the other hand on the back of his neck, holding him to the deep kiss.

  Lifting her out of her sandals and jeans, he pressed her back to the wall. Naturally, her legs opened when his hand went to her, soft wet pussy and rubbed her slit. She worked his shaft in return.

  Dom froze. “Damn, I didn’t bring anything.”

  “Shh, we don’t need it.” She kissed him. “I’m guessing you guys get tested with all this activity—even with the stock in latex you must own.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, we get checked out regularly, but I never go without a rubber.”

  She slid on his cock. “I’m on the pill. I’m not crazy, but we don’t need anything else this time. Not us.” She trembled as he filled her to the hilt.

  The sensation made him stagger. Nothing between them was right. Her scent held him tight. Every move drove him crazier. “You’re trying to make me come.”

  “That’s the idea,” she whispered.

  “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I did it without anything?” He looked her in the eye and saw a glint of possession or at least a sexual claim no other woman in Lucky Springs had.

  “Doesn’t it feel better?” She squeezed him.

  She was good and not just in bed. “God, yes! You’re going to get it all night long.”

  “Promises, promises,” she teased. Cassie’s hips rocked on him, and Dom buried his face in her neck.

  “You’ll get it. And you’ll love it. Hell, you’re not leaving my room tonight.” Dom straightened and held her ass tight. Thrusting hard, he felt her nails digging in as her cunt stayed open. She whispered his name.

  He heard the need, the possession, and claimed her on a new level. Fucking faster, they had all night but right now this was special. This time could go fast.

  All the way in her, he pulled all the way back. Her gasp was fuel for his ego. He thrust into her until he felt her muscles shudder. Cassie muffled her cries on his neck as she rocked and came on his cock in full climax.

  He was on the edge but savored her release. Then he filled her again, getting more moans from his sexy woman. His pace a blur. He stroked for his own need, and the rush of truly filling her with his cum made it even better. His grunts joined her gasping as he came. For several moments, he just held on.

  “Cassie, we should go in,” he said.

  She shook her head and held on. “Front door and upstairs.”

  Cassie slowly let go of his waist and found her footing.

  “People will miss us.” He didn’t want to be the jerk host.

  Wiggling into her jeans, she gave him an amused look. She opened the door a crack, and the pants and moans were loud. “They’re all happy. We’re not doing them anyway.”

  He pulled the door closed and nodded. “Okay, but when the brothers join in, we use the condoms. They get too wild.”

  “Absolutely. You know, people think we’re a couple.” She kissed his cheek and held onto his shoulders as she stepped into her sandals.

  “That’s a problem?” He zip
ped up.

  “No, we’ve never talked about any of it though. We’re including everyone so it’s more than people think, but Lucky Springs doesn’t need to know all that.” She blushed and headed for the front of the house.

  “You don’t want a harem?” He pinched her ass in full view of the front yard. No one was out to see, but it was still a public place.

  “No, stop. How do Kitty and Violet Ann and Neil handle it?” She threw the question out there seriously as she slipped into the front door. No one noticed as they snuck up the stairs and into Dom’s bedroom.

  “Roommates. The girls always lived together, and the one actually married Neil. Makes it more socially acceptable. Lucky for us, you live next door. Whenever you’re in town, you can sleep over all you like.”

  “Old Mrs. Jenkins must’ve caught me walking over. It’s not like my car is sitting out front all night.” Cassie shed her clothes naturally.

  “No secrets in a small town. Almost none.” Dom striped in seconds and pulled her to him in nothing but her bra. He wanted her to say she’d stay and never leave him. Move in. But it was too much to push for that now. The intimacy they’d built tonight, the request to be the only woman he slept with—that was enough for now. But not for long.

  She stayed quiet with that far away look in her eye.

  He unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. “You want to move in? We’ll take you.” Dom ran his tongue along her collarbone and nibbled her ear until she shivered.

  “Yes. No. I can’t think like this. I don’t want people talking about me like I’m a slut.”

  “You’re not. As far as Lucky Springs is concerned, you’re my girlfriend. Okay?”

  Her cheeks pinked up. “Okay. You’ve confirmed it to people?”

  “Better me than Ham.” Dom kissed her nose then took her mouth.

  Cassie took a step back. “One more thing. Did I watch enough of the party to get to take photos of you?”

  She was so deadly serious about her question that all Dom could do was smile.